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How we play fight
As we dance slow
The smile you making saying 'yes' meaning 'no'
Is so grey, so faint.
The words stray in your mouth with an ache
~ Daniel Ahearn: I will let you go

The words stray in your mouth with an ache~ Daniel Ahearn: I will let you go

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Third Person

"It's that time year again, have the students been notified?"

"They will be notified by the end of the day"

"There will be those who rise and those who fall at the academy, and this will be where their paths begin to diverge."

A month after Sōma's victory, Yoshiko and her fellow 92nd Polar Star residents were notified of their first hurdle during their journey at Tōtsuki, the Tōtsuki Friendship and Rapport Training Camp, Isshiki-senapi recalled his experience at the camp, where dozens of students were expelled each day.

"Ok, so we can take cards or shoji, but no handheld gaming devices. . Man, they don't give us any time for taking a bath!" Sōma said while examine the blue book.

"Shoji is allowed?!" Yoshiko exclaimed. "un" Soma nod and Yoshiko cheered.


Yoshiko grin and help Megumi to stand up "So half the class will make it, right? We just have to make sure that all of us are in that half." Sōma shighed and muttered "I'm suppose to say those lines."

Everyone look at Yoshiko as if she grown another head. Isshiki-senpai nod "I'm also quite certain. . that everyone in Polar Star will come back smiling!" and everyone's (except Sōma and Yoshiko) bad thoughts vanished in his words.

"I'll make it back here!" "I sure will!!" the duo said. "of course!"

"We Polar Stars strikes fear into the hearts of men!" Ibusaki interrupt "We do?" Yuki ignored him "Let's dominate this camp!!"

"That's the spirit, right Megumi-chan?" Yoshiko ask but no one reply "hey Megumi, wakey wakey~" and she poke her multiple times.

Next Day~


"My stomach hurts" Megumi said without second though. "I'm kind of getting jaded." I look at Sōma with 'wth-look'

"I'm getting excited desu!"

Megumi sweatdrop and Sōma poke my forehead, iteii that's hurts. . a little.

"Just Don't get lost" and I give him thumps up. "A'ight!"

Yoshiko walk faster than Sōma "Let's goooo!"

Yoshiko walk faster than Sōma "Let's goooo!"

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Nothing's gonna surprise me anymore!

*Time Skip*


"Th-this is our "camp" site?" Megumi ask in disbelief

"All the hotels and inns around here are part of Totsuki." Ibusaki-san explained

"Heh, doesn't surprise me." I shoot him a glare, hmp what a liar.

"I've heard it cost upward of 80,000 yen per night at these places."

"That's like a month's rent!"


"You're totally surprised, Sōma-kun." Megumi state. No Megumi, I'm telling you he isn't.

We enter the hotel and after a minute. . . "minna?" oh no. "I think I'm lost. . ."

After 3 minutes I saw a staff member "Ano. . can you tell me what floor am I?" she sighed and said "15th floor" I anime fell, what in the world???!! I'm sure I didn't take stairs!!

After 10 minutes I saw were they gathering but

*wind pass*

its empty. . *cries*

they're gone. . "They forget about me~" I said while sobbing, this is unfair! UNFAIR! UNFAIR! UNFAIR!

"I guess the rumors were true. ." I look up and saw a very familiar man. "and I'm not surprise if your lost--" a red headed man said with a grin in his face. I compose myself and smiled at them

". . . . . Yoshiko-chan"



Didn't ya notice that I update everyday? well because. . nah Idk but meh. I hope you like and enjoy this chapter even tho it short :3 Please kindly press the ☆ and feel free to comment your own thought, pshu~

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