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      “Just hold the gun like this.” Louis said, helping his little brother pointing at the target.  “It's easy. Try it.” He backed away from Niall and folded his arms over his chest patiently. The blonde licked his lips, trying to make his hands to stop shaking.

       Then...he shot.  “Ey! Good one.” The elder brother patted onto the blonde his back, proud of his little brother. They had been doing this all morning, and Louis never got tired of seeing Niall becoming more and more a pro in hunting. Well, Niall didn't hunt anything yet, but he will, and Louis knew it.

         “Can you finally explain,” Niall whined as he looked at his older brother with pleading eyes, as Louis sighed and nodded. “So like I told you, you were sleeping and I was into the bathroom...and this...this guy stood right behind me and zapped me to some place called Heaven.”

          “Wha- Heaven?” The blonde's eyes went wide, “Like...Heaven, Heaven?”

         “Uhm... I-I suppose so?” Louis cocked an eyebrow out confusion. Niall grabbed his bag and put it onto the table as his older brother was staring at him, “So today,” He got out a book with a weird sign on in, not even similar looking. “I went to the library after you told me something about the angel dream. You said his name was Castiel, right? Look what I found here, apparently he's the only angel who ever got close to humanity.”

          “What?” Louis questioned, “Wait, does that means he actually is the only angel that actually has an apple pie life here?”

             “Ehm...I guess.” He shrugged.

           “What are the others, their names?” The older brother grabbed the book and shoved it in front of him as he started to run through the pages with his fingers. “Angel Raphael, and Michael. They're Castiel's older brothers.” 

            “Huh, I actually ask myself something...” Niall laughed, as Louis looked up and frowned. “If there are angels...then demons-”

             “I hunt them. Shut up.” Louis pointed his finger at his brother's face who was laughing, red as a tomato. “I'll hunt your ass down,” He muttered as he sighed and shook his head. After a while of looking through books, they decided to pray for Castiel since there was no other way—and because angels don't have any damn phone's—and because it was written into the book.

               “You ready?” Niall asked his older brother, smiling a little.  Louis nodded, “Okay. Begin then,”

                 “Okay- what? W-wait, I thought you were going to pray!” He yelled and frowned. Niall shook his head and backed away, leaving Louis to stand for himself. He sighed,  “I am so going to push your face into a doggy poop after this is over.”

             “I heard you, you know!”

             “Well you better have.” He replied and then sighed, before closing his eyes tightly.  “Castiel, Angel of the Lord that fucking zapped me to Heaven. Can you...please bring your ass down here?” He mumbled ever so low to not make Niall burst into a laugh again and make this all awkward. As he opened one eye, to see if something happened, it seemed that he hadn't appeared.  “Cas!” He screamed, as he sighed and turned around.  “Hello,”

                Louis flinched and closed his eyes, before opening them again. “If you ever...but ever do that again. I swear that I will break your neck!”

                Castiel felt amused by this, but seemed to look careless and serious on the outside. He had turned around to face the shocked blonde,  “It is nice to finally meet you, Niall.” He gave him a little nod, as Niall almost fainted.

               “Y-you're an...angel.”

              “So, I am here why?” Castiel turned to look at Louis now who had his arms folded over his chest.  “I prayed for you- fucking prayed, seriously? How ridiculous does that even sounds! Dude, I prayed over an angel.” He laughed,  “Anyways, I have done what you've asked me to do.”

                “I see.” The angel responded, bowing his head.  “So I assume you have made decisions?”

                 “Uhm...what?” Niall furrowed his eyebrows.  “What kind of decisions?”

                  “You called me because you needed me. Right?” Louis swallowed, and nodded.  “Good. So you have to accept the fact that angels exist, and that you have to pray for me once in a while, when you need help with something. There is no other way.” He eyed the older brother warily.  “I am always there whenever you want me to come. I am on your side now.”

                   “Cool, I have an angel pal now!” Louis rolled his eyes. Castiel remained still, and stared at the hunter with a cold look, before turning around.  “I can bring you to my friends. Hunters, like you. They can help you find the creature you are willing to destroy as it is made in Purgatory.”

                    “Wait...who ever said something about us going to meet your little hunter friends?” Louis frowned,  “Hell no.”

           “If you don't do this, then you'll never find it. Believe me, it's worth it as a good option. Those hunters are experts, they know what they'll do.” Castiel gave Louis a very angry look, and this made the hunter swallow and look away.  “Now, if you just do what I say, then I can bring you there.”

            “Fine...you piss poor ass angel.” Louis muttered and turned to Castiel, as he raised his hands in defeat.  “Do it. Send me to those hunters of you.”

                 “Yes, do it.” Niall said. The angel nodded and brought his finger to both of their heads, as light surrounded them.


     “God damn it!” Louis groaned, and their eyes opened as suddenly they heard someone screaming, “What the hell! Sam, grab the gun!” and their hands raised in surrender when two boys were poiting their guns at the two.  “Who are you? And where do you suddenly come from, huh?” The one asked.

          “Woah, calm down buddie boy!” Louis laughed,  “Don't shoot, alright? Some angel sent us here.”

             “Okay. Dean, take the gun down.” The other guy said.

             “Wait, what? You think I believe this crap? Come on, Sam.” He chuckled and shook his head,  “No, no. We can't be for sure.”

                   “Dean, what if it was Cas?” Sam said,  “Just put the gun down. Haven't you seen how they suddenly appeared into the room like they just were from somewhere else. Besides, look, they have guns too. They might be other hunters.”

                    Dean hesitated, but Sam gave him that look that said 'Don't do it.' and he gave up,  “Damn it you son of a bitch.” He muttered to his brother and put his gun back into his pocket. Sam smiled and looked at the two brothers,  “Did Castiel sent you here?”

                         “Yes, I did.” They all turned to the angel who was there, with a bag.  “Oh, you think we have time to have a nice little talk with some strangers now Cas?” Dean said, frowning and shaking his head as he went get some beer into the fridge.

                           “They need your help, Dean.”

                           “Yeah well, you know what?” He approached the angel,  “Kiss my arse.”

                            “Dean.” Sam furrowed his eyebrows and sighed,  “Thanks Cas. We'll  do anything to help them.” Dean gave his brother a 'I'm going to kill you' look, but the little brother shrugged it off.  “Let's start off with why you're here?”

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