Hooked! by SachaOh

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Hooked! by SachaOh - That would be my brand name when I decide to sell my crocheted projects. I am still hesitant to do so as I am still not confident enough that my work is good. I've been crocheting for years already. My mother taught me the basics when I was in grade school, but I guess I was too young to be interested in crochet back then. But my interest in crochet came back to life in my college years already, just when cellphones started to become popular. My friend, Mae, crocheted and sold cellphone cases to our classmates. Nokia 5110 pa uso na phone noon, ang laki kaya nun. Nyaheheh. Hep, halatado na edad natin nyan, kung kelan nauso ang Nokia 5110. 😁 I asked Mae to teach me how to crochet cellphone cases, good thing I still remember the basics my Mama taught me. From then on, I haven't stopped crocheting. Actually, I was able to sell cellphone cases for family and friends. I also find it very convenient for unique gifts. As time passed, with the help of the internet, Google, Ravelry, Pinterest, YouTube and sometimes Facebook, I learned how to crochet scarves, shawls, hats and beanies, bags, baby dresses and laptop/tablet sleeves. I just don't have it in me to sell them yet. I also learned how to read patterns and diagrams. Now that I have my little girl Gaby, I crochet stuff for her. She has countless of beanies already since her birth in December 2013.
Some may find crochet - and knitting - boring, or pang matanda. Personally, it relaxes and calms me. It's a stress reliever. It is portable, with just your ball of yarn and crochet hook you can always crochet anytime and anywhere. I don't get bored when waiting in line as long as I have my hook 'n yarn. And the rewarding feeling of being able to finish a project and someone happily uses it. Though there are some people who don't appreciate my stuff, but kevs lang. As long as I love what I am doing and I am not hurting anybody, I'm all good.
I would love to learn how to knit too. And making things out of polymer clay, and calligraphy writing. Anything crafty, to tell you the truth. I'm a crafty mommie. 🌻
So I really hope you enjoy my posts here. My aim is basically just to showcase the projects that I finished. Maybe in time, I will be able to sell my babies. 💋❤

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