Chapter One 。

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Chapter One.

"Take this to Remus." said Midas as she tied the small letter she had just written to her owls foot. Sparrow hooted happily as he also received a treat and went on his merry way to wherever the older man was.

Remus Lupin was her god-father. He'd been away on business for quite some time now and she missed him dearly. Swapping schools was exhausting as it was and she wondered when he would come to see her.

Logeheda was a school for posh and rich children – Midas was neither posh or rich. The reason she got accepted to that school was because her mother went there and graduated early due to her intelligence. Logeheda wasn't the place for Midas and everyone knew it, she was to witty and sarcastic for her own good.

Before summer started she had gotten a letter that accepted her into Hogwarts in Scotland. She was ecstatic and let Remus know right away, who had also went to school there in his younger years.

Midas had started packing only days after the conformation of her exchange to the other school. Luckily she wouldn't be going alone. Her neighbour and best friend – Harry – already went to school at Hogwarts.

"Well, shake it up baby now." she sang to herself as she brushed her fingers along the many books she owned. Her thoughts got interrupted by the slam of a door across the street.

She leaned out her window and frowned. The cool breeze welcomed her as she put her elbows on the windowsill. The faint shadow of her best friend stood out in the dimly litted street. He held his trunk in his hand tightly as he glanced around helplessly.

"Harry," whispered Midas, as she leaned further out the window. He looked up and squinted his eyes to get a better look. "Up here, silly."

"Hello, Midas." he smiled slightly – but she could see it was forced.

"What's wrong?" she asked with a frown.

"I'm leaving." he shrugged his shoulders. "I can't stay here anymore."

"Where will you be going, then?" she asked, raising her eyebrows at the younger boy. "You can't stay outside all night."

"I'm not sure yet." he admitted. "Perhaps the Leaky Cauldron."

"Could I come with you?" Midas questioned. "I don't fancy being in this neighbourhood without your presence."

"Won't Miss. Figg mind?" he asked. "Your god-father isn't here, is he?"

"I haven't heard from him in weeks, Harry." she said solemnly. "And Miss. Figg is a darling but I cannot wait to get out of the house."

"Alright, hurry up then." Harry nodded, as Midas closed her window quickly. She closed her trunk and pulled on her summer jacket before hopping down the stairs with her trunk trailing behind her.

"Arabella?" she said – glancing around the kitchen where the older lady sat. "Is it alright if I go with Harry to London? I think he might have been banished from the house and I don't want him to wonder the streets alone."

"London?" Arabella asked with a frown. "If something happens to you, Remus will have my head."

"Nothing is going to happen." Midas interrupted her. "I promise. We'll be perfectly safe."

"Alright, then." she nodded hesitantly. 


Midas sighed and sat down on the sidewalk next to an old and eerie playground. Neither she nor Harry knew where they were going. Without money in their pockets or some other sort of transport they were lost.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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