Tags . . . again

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Got tagged by _Drop_Dead_Gorgeous_

1) Type all rules
2) 8 facts about yourself
3) Can only tag back once
4) if not done in a week,you must do a date that said person told you to do
5) tag 10 people
6) Answer your own questions and questions from the one that tagged you.
7) give five questions to the one that tagged you
8) Be creative o_0


8 facts of me

1) I like to draw

2) I'm in highschool

3) I'm aromantic, that mean no romance :p

4) I'm Asian

5) I'm like 5'2' in height

6) pls don't hate me but I final hit triple digits in weight

7)I am the female and female only

8) my first kiss was a chick, I was in 1 grade ppl!


Question time

1) Favorite ship?

You're cruel. But if I have to choose its Zanemau

2) have you ever experienced PARANORMAL activity?

No at least I don't think so

3)Would you consider yourself a good writer?

Nope I think I'm an average one

4) Marvel or DC?

MARVEL MOTHERF**KER!!! They should make a DC vs MARVEL.

5)top 2 fave YouTubers?

Once again you're cruel, but I choose Skydoesminecraft and Houseowner.

My questions for you peeps and the one that tagged me.

1) what's your ethnicity?

2) Hair color?
Black, duh!

3) eye color?
So dark that it looks black.

4) crushes?

5)Fave food?
Well shit I should have never asked that ummmmmmmmmmmmm ICECREAM!!!

_Drop_Dead_Gorgeous_ hehe

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