Chapter 1

19 1 1

- 4 years earlier -

My feet plopped upon the coffee table before me and Trent beside me with his arm slung on my shoulders. Popcorn on my lap and a movie playing on the screen hanging on the wall. Trents hand began to play with my hair and twirling it around his index finger. Something he tends to do right before he asks me something important.

"Can I ask you something?" Trent asked.

"Shoot." curiosity running through me, wondering what he was about to ask me.

"Stand up, first."

"Umm, why?" suspicion began to invade my senses.

"Just do it."

"No. Tell me why"

"Because I need to ask you a question, stupid." He said, getting annoyed with her stubborness.

"Oooh, calling me names won't make me stand up." crossing my arms over my chest. "Beg me, Baby." I said with a devilish smile.

"Fine." he grunted "Fancy, would you please x100 with a cheery on top stand up so I may ask you question?"

"The cherry was a nice touch." She replied then stood up on her two-feet.

Following her actions I stood up to my feet and towered her. With my 6"5 frame she only reached my chin. As she stood in front of me I could see confusion floating within her hazel eyes. I smiled in amusement. She was watching me like a hawke wondering what my next move would be. Or when my question would pop up.

Just as her mouth opened to say something, I bent down on one knee. Looking up to her face, we were almost at eye-level. At first she was still confused then realisation soon striked her. She gasped and clutched a hand over her mouth.

I grabbed her right hand, keeping her in place. But she looked away in shock. Panic was running through her entire system. She had not seen this coming at all. She was in so much shock it left her speechless.

"Fancy, look at me." He pleaded her, but she kept her gaze hidden from him and the growing crowd of family members around them, watching the scene unfold. It wasn't until he slightly tilted her chin in order for their eyes to be alligned. Their eyes met and sparks flew, just like when they had first met.

"Fancy?" He called her, wanting to know if she was listening. She nodded.

"Fnacy, no words could ever amount to how much I adore and love you. You are the most beautiful girl in the world. From the moment you stepped into my life, you completely changed me." He paused, taking a second to admire his hopefully soon-to-be wife. " You have the ability to drive me insane, but also to make me a man I strive to be. You never fail to make me the happiest man on Earth. I never ever intend to fail you. I love you so much, Fancy it hurts sometimes. I'm scared to death of losing you, I never want that to happen, I never want to hear of you with another man."

Unfallen tears had began to cloud her vision she could only see a blurred version of Trent holding both her hands. Then letting go of her hands, he retrieved a small, velvet box from his front pocket. Opening it to reveal the beyond-amazing ring placed in front of her.

"Fancy Samantha Willow, would you be crazy enough to be my lawfully wedded wife for rest of our lives?" Silence was all I could hear for the next 10 seconds. Oh, no! What if she says no? Why didn't I pick a less public venue. I'm so stupid! She's going to say no! Oh my Go-

"Yes." she interuppted my thoughts. I knew she would say no! Wait, what? Did she say yes?!

"Wait, what?" I spoke in disbelief.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2013 ⏰

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