Chapter 12

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The following day was filled with me having a hard time at school.

It started when I was in class and I got called out to solve an equation on the board. All of a sudden, someone's foot sneaked in front of me without me noticing and I tripped in front of the whole class.

They all ruptured with laughter while I was on the floor, trying to hold back tears from the humiliation that I felt.

"Be quiet!" yelled my teacher but no one listened.

"It's okay," I said with a soft voice before solving the equation on the board and walking back to my seat. It was nothing big anyway so why make a big deal. I probably tripped by accident knowing how clumsy I am.

I was so relieved when I finally heard the bell ring to signal lunch break. Maybe this way I'll escape the embarrassing tension in class.

I practically ran to lunch with the feeling of loneliness lingering inside me.

Alya was down with a cold so she skipped school today thus forcing me to spend the boring day alone.

I sat at one of the tables with a frown on my face.

"Why the sullen mood?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

"I'm having a bad day," I muttered before I looked at the owner of the voice.

He smiled before he sat himself in one of the empty chairs.

"To be fair, I'm lonely too because Nino left early to tend his sick girlfriend," he commented as he stared right into my eyes.

"So, why are you having a bad day? Surely it doesn't only revolve around Alya, does it? Is it because of what happened in class?" he asked.

I was surprised at how well he knew me, though it doesn't take a genius to figure out what's running through my head. I am like an open book, after all.

"I'm not a fan of making commotions and embarrassing myself," I mumbled.

He snorted, "trust me, no one is. But it's also not your fault you were born a klutz," he chuckled as I glared at him.

"You're not helping!" I exclaimed.

He grinned. "But also, you wouldn't be the Marinette we love if you weren't clumsy, am I right?"

I felt blood rush to my cheeks as he said that with a glint in his emerald eyes.

Before I could say anything back, the bell rang making me hurriedly pack my stuff before attempting to head out of there.

Of course, luck wasn't on my side and I tripped on air- again- as soon as Adrien stood up from his chair and I went flying to the ground before he caught me.

My eyes met his as I blushed in embarrassment before he sent a wink my way, making my face flush 10 times more.

"Idiot," I mumbled before I steadied myself and walked off with his laughter roaring behind.

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