28. Happy ending

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(A/N- hey guys this chapter is dedicated to Robert Downey Jr. Since it's his birthday, happy reading!)

From chapter 27: «You hesitate at first. But you slowly walk towards Steve's room. You need to tell him how you feel, about the whole situation.»

You knock on the door softly, he opens. You look at him with worry in your eyes, you're not able to hide your feelings for this man. "Can I talk to you?" "Sure, come in."

"Steve... I'm really scared?" "Why? What's wrong?" "Scared of loosing you, loosing everyone I brought into this-this mission of vengeance." You look away, you try your best, not to cry.

"Y/N, I understand, I'm scared of loosing my friends too." "But you don't understand, I would normally... Do it alone, or hire a couple of guys, easy to replace. But this is people I care about, Steve.. I-I can't live with myself, knowing that someone died, because of me." "Y/N, everyone here volunteered to stand by your side to fight. We are here to help you fight your demons." "But Steve, normally, when people fight their demons... They're not actually demons." "Well, we will fight with you anyways." "No, you will fight HYDRA, the dark spirit in this man is beyond powerful, the darkness it holds... If it touches your soul, and you have a small piece of sadness, anger, hatred in your heart... It makes it grow bigger, swallowing your happiness." You pause and look to the celling.

"Y/N... I know, it's hard, loosing someone. I thought I lost Bucky, I thought he was dead. But he was alive, and HYDRA turned him into a weapon, stripping him for freedom.." "I was there, I even went trough the same, except for the wiping, they tried, but my mind was too strong." "I'm so sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to..." "It's ok Steve." You say and put your hand on the latex skin, covering your metal arm.

You hated it, it was unnatural. You knew how much Bucky hated his, but you hated it more, you covered it up, you only took the cover off when you showered. It was a reminder, of the physical and mental torture, HYDRA put you through.

"Can I see it?" Steve asks nervously. "No." "Why?" "Because, it's not normal, I hate it, I hate what it stands for, I hate everything about it." "So does Bucky." "But he's not so ashamed, that he covers it up completely..."

Steve places a finger under your chin, and makes you look at him. "I don't care about it, I like you for you, and if this is supposed to kinda be a relationship, we need to trust each other." You look down staring at the floor. You take the cover off your metal arm and sight, tears running down your cheeks.

"There you go, Y/N. And guess what?" "What?" "You're still as beautiful as you were a second ago." You put your arms around him and hug him hard, not hard enough to break him. He strokes your hair gently. "What did I do right in this life to deserve a man like you?" "Everything." "I don't want to loose you, people like me don't get a happy ending." "But you're unique, there's no one like you Y/N, you're one of a kind."

He kiss you on your forehead and looks at you. "You don't need to be ashamed over the arm, it's a part of you. It's who you are. It's not a reminder of what HYDRA did to you, it's a reminder of what an amazing and strong person you are, you could've just left Bucky at HYDRA, but you stayed, you took care of my best friend, you kept him safe. You're everything but a heartless assassin, I'm really sorry I called you that. You know that I didn't mean it?" "Well I know you didn't mean it, and that it's not true, because, if I was a bad person, I would not currently be a goddess." "Well, I'm glad to hear that. Can you do me a favor?" "I'm not very good with favors, Steve." "Not wear your cover tomorrow, show everyone, your metal arm?" "I can't make any promises, but I'll try my best, goodnight Steve Rogers." "Goodnight Y/N."

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