Chapter 4

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Lilly's POV
We were sitting on the couch, and I catch eyes with him. We stare at each other for a long time, then he comes in and kisses me. His lips were so soft and sweet. He flinches away. "I'm sorry Lilly, I-I-I..." "V it's okay" We sit in awkward silence for a few minutes, then he says "Lilly I like you, the thing that I had planned for the last day was the kiss. But how can I tell Olivia?" " Just talk to her about it" I say with a sigh. What is it with Olivia? That's all I ever hear about, Olivia, Olivia, Olivia. We came to the beach to hangout and have a good time but all he's talked about is Olivia. But hey, he kissed me! We head to bed and fall asleep next to each other.

I was staring at her, she was so beautiful. Her eyes were glaring at the screen and then she catches me staring at her. I went for the kiss because it was the best time. We kissed and her lips were so soft. I flinched back and thought "V, why did you do that? What about Olivia?" I said "I'm sorry Lilly." And I also studdered. I turn back toward the tv and sit there and think "Should I tell her?" And then I told her. "Lilly I like you". We head to bed and she falls asleep. I try to cuddle her but I've already made it awkward enough. Ill stop.

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