Bloody Knuckles and tears

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Continuing from Chapter Trouble:

"Cool. Nice to meet you, what period do you have now?"
"Gym and you too," she said. With that me and Jordan exchanged numbers and headed to my locker. After grabbing my books, suddenly, my phone buzzed.

From: Curly😊
Hey Ja where are you?

To: Curly😊
Walking with Jordan to the girls locker room. Why?

From: Curly😊
Because the bell rung and your late.😠

To: Curly😊
Hey careful there, your starting to sound like Zayn.😷😫

From: Curly😊
Because he has been breathing down my neck telling me what to text you.

To: Curly😊
Aw! Well I have to change, be there soon...Bye Curly😋

With that I sent the message and started walking again with Jordan.
"Everything okay?" she asked me.
"Yeah just Harry."
"Does Zayn know?" Jordan said wiggling her eyebrows up and down.
"Yes he does. He made Harry text me because I'm late to gym," I said rolling my eyes.  Walking into the girls locker room which was empty, Jordan and I put on our gym clothes.

"Can it be anymore revealing?" Jordan asked looking at the black sports bra and black short shorts barely making it an inch past our butts.

"Yeah our gym teacher is a pervert and classes are combined with girls and boys..." I said.

Chapter 14:

Walking into the gym Mr. Dick stares at both Jordan and I, not even trying to hide it and I swore I heard a growl.

"Your late," Mr. Dick says. Rolling my eyes he then gives me detention  like I'm going to go.

Jordan and I walk over to Elena who is sitting with Niall and Damion, as we walk I can feel feel Mr. Dicks' eyes stripping off the little clothes I had on. Then, there was a growl. I'm sure I heard it because all five of us turned around to a pissed off Zayn barely keeping his cool. Well... Alright then.

"Can we all just pray for our pervert of a teacher who is about to become dog chow." I say to all of them through our mind link.

Hearing them laugh gym starts. I love gym as much as the next guy, but come this was intense. It been ten laps(no break), 80crunches, 150squats much to Zayn and Damion's disapproval and jumping jacks. Then, Mr. Dick asked me to go and retrieve the yoga mat from his office. After he gave me the keys I left the gym, down the hall and to the right.

After unlocking his office I took a look around. I found play boy magazines and stuff of other sorts. Can someone pass the holy water for this man? Anyhow, I found the bag with the mats and they were heavy. After making it around the corner I couldn't carry nor drag it anymore, ugh I need to exercise more. I could've mind linked Niall or someone but, then I saw Tyrone.

"Hey need some help?"
"Yeah thanks," I said and he grabbed both bags.
"So have you made up  your mind yet Jaiciona?" He asked me. Shit.
"This is why we don't lie," my wolf said."Just because your name is Angel doesn't mean you're a saint,"
I said back. However, she was right though, I should've said no from the start.
"I know I'm right," Angel said. Cocky little bitch.

"Um I can't sorry, dad need to-"
"Listen you little tease, I have waited a year for you your coming whether you like it or not," Tyrone said. Although, I am stronger my brain wasn't working.

"Ty let me go, you're hurting me," I said. He had my arms in one hand above my head and the other hand on my butt. Trying to wiggle out I heard a voice growl with so much base, he'll I would've ran if I wasn't being held down.


Ugh where is she, it's been over 14 minutes and the class was still waiting on her to come back. Figuring she might need some help I went searching for her, but what I found instead was not what I expected. Jaiciona was pinned up the wall by the same guy from earlier, with both bags on the floor next to them.

"Ty let me go, you're hurting me," she said. He was hurting my angel, my princess. But, she was stronger than him, she has alpha blood in her going back centuries. Growling I felt my wolf slowly take over and my eyes changing black.

"SHE SAID LET GO OF HER!" I boomed. With that they both turned their heads around. The one she called Ty, looked confused and Jaiciona was shaking with fear. Earlier today I found out she used to have a crush on him for the longest. However, when she gave up he became annoyingly persistent. Her sister had told me and also that he wanted her to come to his party as his date tonight. So now I was ragging.

"Who do you think you are? You're not her boyfriend." Tyrone said confidently. "No I'm not, but I'm her mate; Zayn. Zayn Malik." I said as his eyes went wide with fear, but he quickly masked it.

"So she's still mine," he said squeezing her butt. This kid must really want to die, his pride is going to get him killed. Hearing Jaiciona whimper the way she did with a look of disgust was the  last straw. Charging at Tyrone, I grabbed him by the collar and by flicking my wrist he flew into the wall. Letting him get up I punched him square in the jaw, than in the stomach. When he was hunched over, I'd repeatedly punched him in the face until he was knocked out.

Standing up I looked a step back and smiled looking at my art work. He had a bloody noise, two teeth were coughed up with blood, his shirt was risen so I saw his stomach was all blue and purple. I did a spectacular job, but I forgot to sign my work. Squatting back next to him I carved my packs sign with my initials next to it on his already bruised stomach. Now he'll always remember this, I carved it deep enough to leave quite a scar.

Lacking my claw I let it turn back into its nail and rushed over to Jaiciona. She was in the comer cradling herself, she had tears in her eyes, but refused to cry. Telling her to hop on my back, she did wrapping her legs around my waist and arms around my neck. Because she  weighed like nothing to me it was easy to bend down and carry the two bags to the gym. Surprised we still had an half an hour left.

Watching everyone stare I gave the bag to Dick, but not before grabbing a large red and black one. I liked it, it was the colours of both our packs, Black moon crest and the Blood Hill. Laying out the mats I let Jaiciona down, before sitting down and placing her in my lap. I was now cradling her as she fisted my shirt as if reassurance that I wasn't going anywhere.

Mind linking Harry and Louis I asked them to take Tyrone back to the cells before I confronted Alpha Xavier about his pack member.


After Zayn threw Tyrone into the wall he just kept punching him. Then he got up, admired his work and carved his claw ink Tyrone's skin. I was in the corner with tears in my eyes, but I refused to cry. Zayn came over and gave me a piggy back ride, treating me as if I weighed less than a feather because he then, proceeded to bend down and carry the two bags.

When we walked into the gym all eyes were on us, but no one said anything as Zahn gave the teacher the mats. He had took a black and red yoga mat, making me happy because it was both our packs colours and I knew that's why he took it. After he laid them out, he pulled me into his lap. Cradling me I grabbed his shirt to make sure he wouldn't leave me.

But, I wanted to lay down so I tried getting out of his arms and he wouldn't let me. Eventually, he did release me while giving me a confused look. I sat in front of him and pushed him. With a soft thud he fell backwards and I crawled to him. Once in arms reach he grabbed and wrapped his arms next to me, I than fell asleep.


Jaiciona hasn't come back yet and I was getting worried. Then, Zayn got up, probably to search for her. A good 15 mins after he left, he came back with a shaken JAiciona on his back and him carrying the two yoga bags. He's knuckles were covered in blood, I tried mind linking Jaiciona but her link was blocked. After seeing Zayn's, Harry's and whom I think is Louis eyes cloud over I know Zayn had order them to do something. When they walked out I followed. After asking what had happened they told me the whole story and I was beyond piss. By now my eyes were no doubt black, I had helped the two carry Tyrone into the car. They took off to their dungeon cells and I went to get a burger because food is the best therapy.

A/N: I know this is a very long chapter, hopefully it'll do for a min. Vote and comment😔💕🙌

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