chapter 1

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(Kylie's pov)

"MOM...I'M HOME" I yelled, slamming the door behind me. It was officially the first day of summer. I threw my book bag down by the door and ran up to my room. This day couldn't have came any sooner. I laid on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, thinking of the millions of things I could do.

"Kiley, I'm going out with some friends later tonight, are you doing anything, having anyone over, going anywhere?"

"Maybe... I dunno."

"Okay, well let me know."

My mom acted as more of a friend than she did as my actual mom. When it came to punishment, she never really punished me, she usually just told me "not to do it again" or "I should know better." She was calm and cool about mostly everything.

My dad on the other hand was extremely strict. I was his only daughter; his only kid. He would hate the fact that mom would leave me home alone with friends over. He was a corectional officer and was always lecturing me on right from wrong. How him and my mom ever got married, I have no clue.

And me... I was in between. I liked to have fun, but nothing to extreme. My grades, mostly good, average I guess. I was 16, blonde hair, brown eyes, tall and slim (in picture). My love life was always kept on the down low. My mom would make a big deal, while my dad loaded his shot gun. Most Summer's I would sit in my room, maybe invite some friends over and watch movies. Though I wanted this summer to be different. Maybe break a little rules, have a little fun.

"Kylie, door!"

I ran downstairs to the door, opening it, some boy standing on the opposite side. His eyes were a piercing blue, a smile coating his lips. He looked down for a second and back up at me. His cologne lingered throughout the air as a small breeze passed by. His hair a soft shade of brown. He seemed somewhat a bit older than me.

"Your mom here?" he asked.

"Yeah, give me a sec."

I walked towards my moms room, her door shut. I gently knocked on it.

"For you..." I said, then peering back out the front door before running back up stairs.

I could hear my mom chatting back and forth with him, until the door was shut. I walked back down the stairs stopping mid way.

"What'd he want?" I asked.

"Oh, that's Jane's son, Corey, Corey Haim. Sweet boy. He was coming over to pick up a dress his mom had left over here a while back. He's a good kid Ky. Maybe when I go out, you can invite him back over to keep you company."

I gently shrugged my shoulders. Jane was a close friend of my moms, and she was always over. I've been to her house a few times, but never seen Corey. Never heard about him. I didn't even think she had kids.

"Why I am I just now seeing Corey, after all these years. I didn't think she had kids."

"Well..." my mom began to explain. "He's been living with his dad, John, up in New York, ever since Jane and him had gotten a divorce. Though him and his dad got into some huge fight, so he moved in with Jane about a week ago."

I nodded indicating I understood.

"So I was thinking, since he probably doesn't know many people, maybe you could invite him over. Make him feel welcome." she gestured.

"Maybe..." I mumbled, walking back up stairs.

first chapter 😁 what do you think ?
and can anyone help me with my book cover... idk if I really like it.

thank you so much for reading 💗

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