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I jump over the Stone wall. And get into my car. I can't believed he kissed me. He was actually a good kisser. But I have my dead boyfriend. Ugh. That sounds awful. I drive home and I cannot stop thinking about steven. He was sweet,cute,and kinda loveable. I low key want his number. Maybe I will see him again soon. I get home and see my mom sitting on the couch.

"mija there you Are I was getting worried." She said.

"Sorry I went to the spot. And I met a boy" I tell her sounding excited.

"What?" She says sounding odd.

" I found this boy. He's so sweet. He kissed me mom. On the lips." I tell her.

"What happened to your face?!? And he kissed you?" She says.

"Oh by accident he threw his skateboard at my face. And yes. He kissed me. I left right away I didn't even get his number. " I tell her.

"Well good thing. I don't want you to get your heart broken again." She told me.

"I won't get my heart broken again!" I tell her sounding mad.

"I said I don't want you to see him again!" She says with a mad tone.

" fine. I won't . I'm going to bed now. " I tell her as I walk upstairs to my room.

I go Into my room and change into a long T-shirt and wear some pajama booty shorts. Then I go lay on my bed on my phone and get a text from Brittany. She tells me she knows what happened and she's sorry about it. I text her back yeah its sad. Then that was the end of the conversation and I fall asleep.

I wake up at 9:47 am. Right away I start to think about Steven. I wish could talk to him right now.

(A couple of weeks past)

Its 5:21 pm and I head over to the spot hoping steven is there . I get in my car and drive there.

I get there and I jump over the stone wall and I see Steven there sitting down.

"Steven!" I yell smiling.

"Oh hey yulema! I see that your eye and nose is better." He tells me.

"Yeah . so how have you been?" I ask him.

" good. Listen about that kiss." He says.

"I know . that was awkward." I tell him.

"I havent stop thinking about you Yulema. I like you. A lot. " he tells me .

" what? We just met. But I haven't stop thinking about you either. " I tell him.

" really? Well let's go on a date! Wait let's get married instead!" He tells me smiling.

"Okay your a little bit to crazy. " I say as I start laughing.

" hahaha okay. Let's go on a date then. We can have a picnic here. " he tells me .

"Okay. Yea that's will be fun. Well I need to go home now its getting late what's your number? " I ask him.

"Its ***-***-****. " he tells me.

"Okay bye " I tell him as i'm getting up and wipe sand off my but.

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