Got7 Imagine ( Bambam)

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You were Bambam's ex girlfriend. You broke up with him 2 days ago because u caught him kissing another girls cheeks.


The day when ur group, Dancecover, and Got7 have ur comeback at Music Bank. Since you were the same company as Got7, Dancecover was force to share van(or whatever u call it) with them. U sit at the back with Bambam alone.

Bambam: Babe listen to me.

You were not listening as u did not want to talk to him.

Bambam: I kiss that girl cause shes my cousin.

(Y/N): Oh..... really? Than explain this.

You showed him his phone.

Bambam: Im really sorry thats my ex.

At music bank, u dance to Bts Run. Ur group was going againts Got7. In the end Got7 win and Yugyeom ask u to join them.

Hey guys i am back with Bambams imagine. Hope u understand and enjoy it.

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