what about it!

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What is love? Wannabes and teenagers who believe they have found their love ask more often when they begin to see things differently.

Who cares what love is when you get your mate right where you want him or her. Any way, many had a say about love.

Some said, love is an attraction, love is the kind of feeling... love is what you do when you get together with your mate, love is just how we play with our emotions, etc. To an extend that today love is defined as a repulsion. I do believe a little in that since it talks of self respect.

Love is sharing and caring. Love is an affection which is a simile. Love is, love is..

Now, let's look at love as a repulsion.. This seem absurd but I say paradoxical, an irony and something else. I hope you find that out. When you meet a guy, perhaps you like at first sight, what do you feel? Yeah, love, attraction, sense of live, you see your dream manifest.
Okay, now in view of repulsion, it's shyness you feel at first sight..

FYI, Einstein said that gravitation is not responsible for love. What's he saying, people? I think he said love isn't attraction.

Love is free, many say, especially, the so-called Innocent and Young but Wild. That wouldn't need a genius to tell you that this makes sex free as well.

Some say, love is a try and error. I don't think they think love is like a wound?I hope they know it heals if it is.

Just recently, someone said love is like a punching bag and it takes all nonsense. That is ridiculous I presume.

Anyway others say love is like a game show or a talk show,you gotta show the world what you are made of and perhaps you win. You gotta tell the world your experience with love. People this isn't a catapult, if not take it as the effect of a grenade.

Those who deem themselves expert, say, "It can only be felt, not explained with words." However they add, "anyone who truly loves is humble, kind, selfless and patient." That's sweet, right? Yeah, they do that to avoid, criticisms.

I bet you are asking what the hell is wrong with this guy. Not yet but sooner, this guy is going to and will tell you a love story. The love story below illustrates what i mean. This is about a widow and her girl children who are teenagers in high school and they have fallen in love and their widow mum, also thinks of finding a father for her kids. Lets see what love is here.

Anastasia is a widow of 34 years of age. She has two pretty cute girls who are currently in high school. The older one who is almost 18, is called Mavis and Margaret who is 2 years younger than the former.

Mrs Anastasia Mensah, became a widow, when her husband Lieutenant Captain Nii Armah Mensah fell in the 2014, siege of Ghana by the Pool Evolutionary Rebels. Captain Mensah, also known as the Hawk died in a cardiac arrest when the news was delivered that his team, The special forces, had been shot each in the head. That marked the end of Ghana's elite, special forces. Mrs Mensah works harder and harder and even takes a part time job, at Jehovah's basic school, teaching after school classes, just to take very good care of her children.

One morning on a school day, Mrs Mensah broke the message to her daughters about her perpetual loneliness and how she feels about the government not giving them anything for her husbands services to the nation.

It was quite an open talk since they are all females. She explains to them how she feels. She said to Mavis, "May, you know how life has become. I won't say it easy. Truly it is harder than before. You are much grown and I know you understand." Mavis replied in mild way, saying, "I do understand and I hope i can do something to help."

Mrs Mensah attended to the door when the bell ringed to interrupt their morning services. "Hello Mrs Mensah, is May ready?" Said Jeff cheerfully. Jeff is Mavis's secret boy friend. "You come in and wait for her,Jeff", Mrs Mensah replied. As if he is being lured into the lions den, he quickly but in a funny tone refused. Mrs Mensah left for work as Mavis and Margaret prepare for school. "We will talk, take care." Mrs Mensah said. In 15 to 20 minutes later Mavis and Margaret came out, Mavis lock the door behind her. Put the key in her right thigh pocket, hugged Margret, patted her as they embraced each other. Jeff stands behind staring dreamingly at Mavis at her behind. He robs his right arm in his head. Then runs it down to his cheeks to his chin.
As he stares, Margaret winks at him to stop, as if she was jealous. But he didn't wink back or mind.

Mavis and Jeff walked side by side, holding hands, while Margaret holds on to the left hand of Mavis' bag behind.

At the bus stop, the two sisters bid each other a goodbye, and said be careful and departed to their separate ways. Jeff said, "I think this lorry isn't going to move yet, perhaps we could walk." "I would, only if I don't step on the ground." said Mavis. "You mean if I could carry you, right?" Jeff asked coyly. "Do you think I am that strong? I bet you a China bull wouldn't."

For quite a moment an old woman boarded the lorry, she sat briskly, as if she had been push into the seat. It was funny how she sat. Jeff couldn't laugh out so he hid his face buried in his palm, stooping. He laughed stupidly, even the old woman turned to take a glance at him who did that.

"That's rude Jeff. That's rude, she is old, so what do you expect to see, she sits like the queen of England or you think she is Nana Ama?", Mavis said.

Jeff apologies and tries to pat Mavis on the thighs with the left hand. In the process, Jeff looks at her thighs but Mavis stares at him with disgust and for a moment she thought of giving him a whack, with her story book holding her. A second thought advised her to just take away his hand and case die.

The lorry waggled as the engine is been ignited. The lorry coughs like a person diagnosed with tuberculosis with a thick dark cloudy fume, just like a frowned weather during the raining season at Azim. The lorry takes to its feet and then wiggles more and more to its final destination, a block away from A.B Senior High.

As they alight, the old woman said, "son, your big mouth is very slippery, better find a padlock for your own good." Both laugh but this time quietly.

###### Thanks for reading. This my first time of writing something long like this. Please feel free to comment, you read it, did you liked it. #####

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