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"Come on, give us your pocket money!" An upperclassman pestered you.

You had always been a passive type of person, you would not say what you want. But this time, you decided to change, you wanted to become stronger, not the goody goody of class 1-A.

"No, please!" You cried, which sounded like a little mouse asking for help.

"What did you say?" Another upperclassman took out a knife.

You felt a strong force pulling your hair. Even though you tried your best to look cute today, your hair was a bundle of mess. You could feel the upperclassman's grip on your head.

"Give it or this will rip open your-"

"Your what?" The scary leader of the disciplinary committee, Hibari Kyoya glared at them.

"Oh sh*t it's him!" The upperclassmen said in unison.

"I'll bite you all to death." Hibari spoke.

Before they could run away, the black haired boy launched at them. Within seconds, heaps of unconscious bodies were on the floor.

"This is what you get for breaking the school rules." The black haired boy looked at their bodies.

Then, he glared at you. "Be more careful next time, herbivore." Just like that, he left.

Your heart skipped a beat. Though it was a warning, you were left red as an apple. You realised you had fallen for the scary Hibari Kyoya. In your eyes, he did not seem like a scary person at all.

Ever since that day, you would always watch and notice him wherever he went. You thought it was enough to simply admire him from afar, but, you were wrong. You wanted him for yourself. You realised you were lovestruck.

It had been a few months since the incident and you finally mustered up enough courage to make him a bento. You spent hours working and decorating the bento. You poured lots of love into it, too. You could say it was your best cooking you had ever done.

The next day, you left early to give him the bento. Fortunately, due to your Hibari Kyoya automatic radar, you could easily spot him. However, you hesitated and clenched on the bento.

You better do it now, don't back down you chicken.

You approached him, and handed him your bento, your body shivering.

"U-um.. Hibari Kyoya-san, please accept this bento as a token of gratitude for yesterday!" You spoke out.

He looked at you carefully, then rejected. "I don't need this kind of thing as a gratitude. If you have any other meaning, say it, herbivore." He looked at you coldly.

Surprisingly, he waited for your next statement. You were shocked, it was as if he saw right through you. You decided that would be the best time to confess.

"H-Hibari Kyoya-san, I l-li-like you!" You said, blushing even more than the moment you fell for him.

Suddenly, the heavy weight of the bento disappeared. Out of curiosity, you lifted your head up and saw Hibari Kyoya leaving with your bento. Your face gleamed with delight.

I love you so much.

Later on that day, you waited for him to collect your bento. You waited and waited in the classroom, but he never came. Your eyes felt heavy and before you knew it, you fell asleep.

- Timeskip -

"(F/N)(L/N) wake up." A familiar voice called.

You slowly opened your eyes. A figure in a gakuran was squatting in front of you, pinching your cheeks. It looked like Hibari Kyoya, but he would not do such a thing. When your vision became clearer, your heart jumped. It was Hibari Kyoya.

"H-Hibari Kyoya-san?!" You were shocked to see him.

"Drop the formalities, call me Hibari." He smiled at you. "You know what (F/N), you looked really cute in your sleep, like a little mouse." He looked at you with such precious eyes.

You did not know who this was. The person in front of you did not seem like the Hibari Kyoya you knew, but you loved this Hibari Kyoya much more.

"T-Thank you, Hiba-" You stopped for a moment. You were blushing like mad. "Hibari." You finally completed the sentence.

"Here's your bento. It was delicious, thank you, (F/N)." He handed you the empty bento box, it was light. It seemed that he finished everything inside.

Then, something struck you. You just realised he called you (F/N). This fact made you blush as red as a tomato.

How did he know my name?

Hibari seemed to noticed your uneasiness, and again, he could somehow see through you.

"I would like to know everything about the person I love too, okay? I'm also human, herbivore." He chuckled.

You saw his pretty childish laugh, and you laughed as well. But that happiness did not end there.

"It's already late, let me send you home, (F/N)." He looked at you with such endearing eyes.

You nodded in agreement, trying to keep yourself from grinning like an idiot.

- Extended Ending (lime warning!) -

When you reached home, both of you were soaking wet after running under the rain. You decided to invite him inside to dry up. You blushed after seeing his see through body. He looked hot.

Hibari seemed to have noticed you staring at him. You looked away and covered yourself with a towel. You gave him another towel but he slapped your hand away. You wondered what you did wrong.

"There's no need for a towel, Herbivore. We are getting ourselves wet again tonight." He spoke out, his eyes full of lust.

Little Mouse (Hibari Kyoya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now