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Read slowly.....You will Laugh -

Five facts about You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You

1. You're so lazy You didn't read all the You's.

2. You didn't notice I put a Yoo.

3. You are now looking to find out.

4. You are laughing because you realise there is no 'Yoo' and you've been tricked.

5. You are going to
forward this to others who are like 'YOU'!😜😜

I know at least 13 things about you now:

1. You are holding your phone

2. You are on Wattpad

3. You just opened my book to this update

4. You are now reading it

5. You are human

7. You can't say the letter "P" without separating your lips

8. You just attempted to do it

9. You are laughing at yourself

10. You have smiles on your face

11. You skipped No.6

12. You just checked to see if there is a No.6

13. You are laughing at this because I caught you..

Hahaha is it true? 😃😜😄

If u smiled then vote and comment
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joke of d day....................................

Teacher - Can you please tell the name of 2 great Kings who have brought happiness & peace into people's lives ?"

Student :

"Smo-king & Drin-king " !!!

Teacher Resigned !😂😂😇😇

Teacher: Who was Akbar ?
Boy: Akbar was Gay.

Teacher:- What, Are you mad ? Why did you say that?

Boy:- We have heard Laila - Majnu, Romeo-Juliet
But Only
Akbar - Birbal !
Teacher died😂😂😂

This 1 is a killer 1 .....

Teacher : students.. On britannia tiger biscuit cover,there is a green dot. Wat does that mean?

Student : tiger is online.. .😂😂

don't laugh alone share with frds 😜...
Now that you've smiled, don't be stingy with the smiles, vote comment and share With friends!! Just for smile on their face!!
Lots of work n want to destress read n have a good laugh coz zindagi khoobsurat hai!!
Smile and stay fit till dn
Keep wattpading!!😊😊

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