Trains and Tributes

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Chapter 4:

   The peacekeeprs and Angel led us onto the train, it was unbelievable. Golden chandeilers and food heaven was before us. So this was how the Capitol lived? Josh and I were still in down in the dumps, so we both made our way through the train and sat down at one of the window booths as the train accelerated forward. Franta then told us that our mentor would be in shortly.

   We started talking about what we did to help our families and fun things we did. Josh told me about sword fighting with his older brother and I told him about archery, he didn't need to know everything about me. All this small talk helped us not to focus on the games ahead of us. I heard a door slide open and I turned around to see our mentor, Sparks walk in.

   "So, you guys are the tributes this year?" Sparks asked us, walking in and sitting beside me. She was wildly know throughout the districts for her wittiness and knowledge of the games. Sparks was 16 when she won the games, with her close combat skills. Sparks is about 20 years old now and she was a consistent visitor to the village to pay visits, she couldn't stand being alone in her house in the Victor's Village.

   Josh turns to Sparks and nods. "Yes we are." he replies to her. She gives us reassuring smile.

   "Then I will make you two as prepared as possible, okay?" Sparks tells us.

   "Deal." Josh and I say at the same time. We glance at each other and laugh, it felt good. Sparks smiles at us. I don't know her well, but she was so easy-going and kind... it would be hard to dislike her. Sparks then leads us to another car, it was filled with tables overflowing with food and a telly showing pictures of the other tributes.

   The three of us sit down on one of the sofas and looked at the screen. First was the boy from District 1. He was lean with muscle, abnormally long lashes, and his arms covered in tats. He was also a bit scruffy with dark features, Sparks gave me a look and I nodded. This guy was labeled dangerous. Along with him came Veronica Blackshaw and her jet black hair was flowing around her. She wasn't one to mess with either.

   Next came District 2 with Will Longleaf and Macie Storen. Longleaf seemed to be a built runner and Macie was around my age, with her distinct features. After them came Marcel Walker and Zoey Finnegan, she especially looked threatening with her ambitious glare. District 4 had a guy with a firm jawline and short, light brown hair. Also very strong. With him came Ariana Martin, a girl with long brown hair and a kind face. She wouldn't be bad for an ally. Next was Jonny Doncaster and Char Turner from District 5. Then Leeroy Direction and Faith Davis. Following them came me and Josh.

   I cringed at my picture. I even looked weak in it. Josh on the overhand looked actually somewhat menacing. Sparks saw the look on my face and whispered, "That's not a bad thing, Emily. You won't be targeted first if you don't show your dangerous side." I nodded my head. It made sense, maybe that would be my secret for the games.

   District 8 then appeared on the screen with a guy with tasseled hair and a playful face even though he wasn't smiling. A girl called Petra Jasper was with him. She was tall with blonde locks down to her shoulders. With her height, she would be deadly with a bow. Then came Seamus Rose and Joanne Bentley from 9. Joanne looked about a year younger, which means she is the youngest this year in the games. I felt bad for her. Hopefully she would find allies quick.

   From 10 came Teresa Ryan and Finn Simpson, but I was barely paying attention beacause district 11 popped up. The guy from 11 was different and my heart did a tiny flip. He was tall with blonde and brown mixed hair with a quiff and pircing blue eyes. I couldn't take my eyes off him until the picture changed to the girl, Grace Underwood. I slumped back down on the couch and I saw Josh snickering at me. I scoffed at him, I'm sure he did the same thing with the girls.

   Lastly came 12. The boy from 12 had curly, brown hair with shining emerald eyes. He was cute, but I kept thinking of the boy from 11. With the curly one came Jade Grande. She was tiny like me, but her eyes held more confidence.

   The video ended with President Harvey wishing us luck from the upcoming events, and Sparks brought some food over for us. I haven't had realized how hungry I really was. I ate and talked with Josh and Sparks about the games, but I was still thinking about that blue eyed boy.


Okay so thanks so much :) I know this chapter was long, I wanted to introduce the tributes :) 

Did you figure out what districts the boys where in? Sorry if my descriptions weren't too good lol.

Please vote and commenters might get a character in this story if you request it :)

xx Jenna and Em ;)

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