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A couple of months passed since Rose saw the man. She still remembered him, but she didn't think about that strange time.

It was a normal day, and Rose was just about to hand some work into her boss at the shop.

She walked into a room, hoping to find him there, but instead, a room full of mannequins greeted her. Rose started making her way through the room, when the mannequins started moving towards her. Shocked, she started running away, but it was a small room and she had nowhere to go. She sprinted towards the door, to find that it was locked. She quickly turned around, and saw that a mannequin was about to hit her. Scared, she closed her eyes, her heart beating fast, waiting for a miracle to happen.

Suddenly someone grabbed her hand. "Run!" Rose looked up, to see it was a man. He had short black hair, big ears, and a black leather jacket. Still holding her hand, he pulled her out of the room and out onto the street. Rose learned that his name was the Doctor.

She went home, confused about what had happened in the shop.

The next day, she found the Doctor at her door. She welcomed him inside, and he told her about the mannequins. He said that he had to check her house for anything that might be alien, and it was just a coincidence that they had met again. She made him a cup of tea, and their conversation about the mannequins carried on.

After that, he left, but Rose followed him. "Forget about me." The Doctor said calmly, while they walked down an alley together. "Why? Where are you going?" Rose replied, excited. "It's not important." Rose frowned. "I have just seen mannequins alive, alive. How often does someone see that? It's not normal. And I know that you are going to find out more about them. Let me learn too! I've already seen them. I want to know more!"
"Oh alright. I'll show you. But it might be dangerous." The Doctor looked at her with a worried look on his face. "Wasn't it dangerous enough already? Last night was terrifying. But I'm still up for it." She laughed. "Fantastic." He said, as they turned to the next street.

Apparently, he was an alien. She had found that out when he brought her to a blue box. "This is the Tardis." She walked inside. "It's.... bigger. On the inside." Her eyes widened. Tardis. Bigger on the inside. She couldn't believe it. But she knew that she had seen that box somewhere before, she just can't remember where......

The Doctor was... different, Rose decided. He keeps getting into all kinds of trouble, and doing things that he's not supposed to. Like blowing up her shop. And the mall. But it was very fun to be around him, and scary, too. She had just met another alien, but this one wasn't human. She wasn't sure what was going on, but she knew she had to help the Doctor kill it. That's what he said he would do. The alien had trapped the Doctor, and Rose was on the stairs, panicking. She had to save him. She grabbed a rope, and swung to where the Doctor was was. She knocked the alien down, and freed the Doctor. "Quick, we've got to get out!" The Doctor grabbed her hand.

They ran up the stairs as fast as they could, holding hands. They tumbled onto the street, and ran to where the Tardis was.

"Thank you for today, it was very fun." The Doctor told Rose, leaning against the Tardis. "Yes, I loved it." Rose smiled. "I better head home, mum must be worried sick about me."Or...." The Doctor started. "Or what?" "You can come with me..."

A/N - sorry, I hate writing notes. Just wanted to let you know that I'm changing the plot a little, so it might be different.

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