A promise to keep

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Burning brightly in the noon sky, the sun had just reached its highest point as Cinderpelt padded back into camp, the intoxicating scent of marigolds filling her nostrils as she carried the freshly cut bundle to the medicine den. Unable to shake the encounter with Scourge , Cinderpelt began sorting the flowers in a vain attempt to take away the memory. But it was no use.
Casting her memory back, the grey medicine cat could not help but feel a pang of pity as she recalled Scourge's once proud form, now bloodied and pathetic. It was hard to imagine Scourge as the lethal warrior that he was in his current state. But was it even possible to feel pity for Scourge, a tyrant who had caused so much pain and suffering, everything that Cinderpelt stood against as a medicine cat.
"Cinderpelt," a soft voice mewed, "Are you okay? You seemed distracted."
"Huh," Cinderpelt looked back up at Spottedleaf, "What do you mean? "
Spottedleaf chuckled slightly, "Last time I checked, sorting marigolds involved more than swirling the same few flowers in a circle.
Glancing down quickly, Cinderpelt's face flushed as she saw the sprawl of marigold stems scattered by her paws. Lowering her head quickly, Cinderpelt rapidly sorted them into a neat pile before trying to push her way out of the medicine den.
"Are you okay?" Spottedleaf asked as Cinderpelt padded by, "You look...exasperated."
Cinderpelt sighed and nodded. " I feel faint...I...I need some air."
Not waiting to see Spottedleaf's reaction, Cinderpelt hobbled out of the den. Feeling the midday sun warm her pelt, the grey she cat sighed happily as she took in the tranquil scene. Outside the nursery, the queens sat chatting with the elders while shepherding their kits away from the warriors who quietly went about their business. A couple of apprentices dashed over to the fresh kill pile only to be in turn reprimanded by their tutors for eating before their duties had been completed. Grumbling to themselves, the two paws padded away to collect moss for the elder's bedding.
A feeling like a sinking stone suddenly filled Cinderpelt's stomach. To give clan food away to a rogue was one of the largest sins against the warrior code a cat could commit. The code Cinderpelt that strove so hard to follow.
Perhaps she could tell a warrior patrol about Scourge and they could capture him. After all, Firestar was a reasonable tom and wouldn't let Scourge stave while he remained under ThunderClan jurisdiction.
Cinderpelt immediately shook off the thought. There was no guarantee that the patrol sent to capture Scourge wouldn't just kill him. There was nothing to stop them after all and it wasn't like there wasn't anyone who didn't have a reason to want Scourge's guts. Even if by some miracle, Scourge survived ThunderClan's wrath, there was no telling in how the other clans would react. ShadowClan and WindClan hadn't exactly taken kindly to when Bluestar had held Brokenstar prisoner. Who was to say that they wouldn't outright declare war on ThunderClan upon hearing news that they were holding Scourge hostage? No, this required stealth and slight of claw. Besides Cinderpelt had promised the black tom that she would help him without drawing attention and StarClan be damned if she was going to break that oath!
Beginning to formulate a plan, Cinderpelt padded over to a clump of nettles before lying down and closing her eyes. She would need her strength for tonight.

Night had covered the land in a shroud of ebony as Cinderpelt stalked towards the dirt place tunnel with two mice clasped between her jaws. Casting one last look over her shoulder to ensure that Greystripe hadn't seen her, Cinderpelt darted through the tunnel and into the dark forest as fast as her legs would allow her.
A dark sense of foreboding began to rage inside the medicine cat's usually tranquil mind as she hobbled through the undergrowth. Night giving the forest a sinister new face with which to wear, Cinderpelt's eyes darted around nervously. It wasn't that she was afraid as opposed to the fact that if she ran into something out here, she wouldn't have much hope for escape. Lowering her head, Cinderpelt pricked her ears, ready to flee to cover at the slightest sound of a fox or owl.
No moon lit the sky as she padded slowly into the hollow in which the dark rogue quietly lay, hidden from the prying eyes of the world. Steering towards the den with an iron resolve, Cinderpelt slowly poked her head in.
"Scourge...are you there?" She mewed into the other black. For a moment there was nothing but an eerie silence before two ice blue eyes flickered open and Scourge limped into view.
"You came?" Scourge seemed surprised as he inspected the freshkill brought to him as Cinderpelt laid the mice down in front of him.
Gulping the first morsel down rapidly, Scourge neither seemed to care or notice Cinderpelt watching him. Unable to decide whether to leave or stay, the she cat simply sat and watched Scourge. It was still hard for her to believe that this tattered remnant of a cat was actually the most dangerous enemy the clans had yet encountered. And yet, for some strange unknown reason, she had felt compelled to help him.
Swallowing the last chunk, Scourge paused and looked up, causing Cinderpelt to briefly avert her gaze as his blue eyes swept over her.
"Care to join me?" Scourge indicated to the untouched mouse, his tone of voice softer than it normally was. Cinderpelt shook her head glumly however.
" If I don't return soon, the clan will miss me," she sighed glancing back at the shadows behind her as though her clanmates were watching her.
"I understand," Scourge sighed,"Will you be back? "
" When I get the chance," Cinderpelt nodded quickly.
Somewhat mollified by this, Scourge retreated back into the dark confines of his den. Stay if for a moment as she watched him, Cinderpelt blinked before hobbling back through the trees.
As she stumbled home, Cinderpelt could not help but cast her thoughts back. Could that truly be Scourge who spoke so softly? Whose eyes seemed to glow like sapphires among a sheet of darkest coal, enticing and yet deadly like the mesmerising web crafted crafted so elegantly by a spider. So caught in her thoughts was she, Cinderpelt took no notice of the tom barring her path.
"What are you doing out this late?"
Silently cursing herself for forgetting about Greystripe, Cinderpelt rapidly thought up of a believable lie.
" I was...uh...collecting herbs. " she replied wih as much confidence as she could muster, "Some grow better by moonlight."
Greystripe narrowed his eyes suspicious. "But where are they?"
Cinderpelt silently cursed herself again. "There weren't any ready for picking."
" But then...." Greystripe managed not a single word more as Cinderpelt rushed inside the medicine den, leaving the confused, grey furred,tom standing in the otherwise still night.

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