Chapter 3

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Lucy's pov.**

What do I do? I can't fight Rin. I-I don't wanna hurt him. "I guess I'll go easy on you since you're a girl." Rin said and smirked. Since you're a girl echoed through my head. That does it! Rin, you are SO dead!

We both drew our weapons. "You're going down pretty boy." I said smirking. "Bring it on!" Rin said as we both charged at each other. His body was engulfed in blue flames, I had silver flames. The battle was about 10 minutes until Rin was completely out of breath.

"What was that? You were gonna go easy on me because 'I'm a girl'? Better luck next time." I said and put my Katana back in its case on my back. "Amazing. You're not even out of breath!" Rin said as he laid on the floor gasping for air.

"Lame." I whispered to myself and got out of the arena. "Quite impressive." Mephisto said. I rolled my eyes at him. I guess Jellal was right. My old self is coming back. I mentally smirked. "That blondie has real potential." I heard a ladies voice from above.

I climbed up the wall and seen a whole group of people. One of the girls had pink and yellow hair. Not a hair color combination you see everyday. To be honest, I actually like it. "Blondie whats your name?" The lady asked me. I didn't answer her because I don't like talking to new people. Or just in general.

"I see. Not much of a talker are we?" She said crossing her arms over her chest. I let my bangs fall infront of my face to hide my expression. "Uh, she's new here so I can see why she would be so shy." Yukio said as he came up to me.

"True. I'm Shura Kirigakure but call me Shura." She said with a smirk that looked like a smile. Geesh. She reeeeally needs to put another shirt on before her- Lucy stop staring! I darted my yes from the chest to the floor.

Maybe I'll actually make friends here. "Rin!" A short blonde hair girl ran into the arena and hugged Rin. My facial expression grew soft but I quickly hid my face with my bangs. I plopped down on the stairs that surrounded the arena of chairs.

I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my chin on my knees and crossed my arms and started rubbing my arms to create some heat. "Uh here." a guy with pink hair said as he put his jacket on me. I gave him a small smile.

"I'm Renzo Shima, not to sound rude or anything but I've never seen you here. Are you new?" He said scratching his head. I nodded in response. "Not much of a talker huh?" He said with a chuckle.

I shook my head as an answer. I let out a quiet giggle but loud enough for Renzo to hear it. "Renzo! You idiot don't run away- oooh hello who are you?" A guy with weird looking hair asked me. I looked at Renzo with a scared look.

"Uh... Well I was gonna take her around the school. Catch up with you later Ryuji!" Renzo said as he grabbed my hand and started walking towards where everyone else was. "Woah your hand is really cold. Do you want to go back to your dorm to rest... uh whats you name?" Renzo said with an embarrassed facial expression.

"I'm Lucy." I said quietly with a small smile. "Lucy huh? Cute name. Let's get you back to your dorm." Renzo said with a caring smile. I tugged his jacket tightly around me with my right hand while the other one was holding on to Renzo.

"Yukio! I'm taking Lucy back to her dorm! She's caught a cold!" Renzo screamed catchinf just about eveyones attention. I locked eyes with Rin for a second but looked away awkwardly. I feel so stupid! I should've know he had a girlfriend!

I mean an attractive person obviously wouldn't be single! God I'm so dumb! Rin slowly started walking his way towards me and Renzo. "L-let's go." I said taking a step but tripping. Renzo caught me just before I hit the floor. He put me on his back.

"Not even on the first date and I'm already carrying you home!" Renzo said as I giggled. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes enjoying the birds chirping as Renzo walked out of the arena. This is all crazy to take in.

Just imagine if I didn't find out Natsu cheated on me. I wouldn't have met
my possible new best friend Renzo and of course Rin and Yukio. "Uh Lucy... where's your dorm?"

Renzo stopped in the middle of three different paths. I pointed to the last path which leads in to the last building
where I live. I wrapped my arms softly around his neck and rested my head onto my arms.

I wish this was Natsu. Oh shit! They both have pink hair! Is that why I openly let Renzo pick me up? God Lucy! Natsu and Renzo are two totally different people! Get it through your skull!

God, I'm such an idiot!

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