Chapter 1

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Sorry guys not good at making title names for each chapter... Any recommendations?

Anyways talk to you guys later then!


It was another dull Monday morning, like usual. I stared up through the darkness, staring up at my popcorn white ceiling. I soon start to count how many dots were splattered randomly across my ceiling. Before I knew it, the blunt beeping of my alarm clock interrupts my thoughts as I swing my hand above my head and hit the clock's snooze button.

It was another dreaded day of school, it was around the first month into school and I still dreaded getting up for this form of hell. I let out a sigh, biting the inside of my cheek as I lie there stiffly under the warmth of the covers that trapped out the cooler weather autumn was bringing.

I soon find myself standing up, stumbling across my room and turn on my lights as I start to assemble my clothing choice for today. Like a well oiled machine, I soon found myself standing in front of my bathroom mirror wearing my black and white stripped t-shirt that loosely fit my form. I as well wore black skinny jeans and I intended to soon wear tan colored furry moccasins.

I study my features in the mirror, I staying mostly silent besides the soft breathes I took. I had sharp cheek bones that emphasized my small yet lush lips covered in a layer of red lip stick, I had big emerald green eyes that sometimes felt as if they were too big, and a small little crook for a nose. Chocolate brown curls cascaded down my shoulder frame as it frames around my face and goes only a little more than my shoulders in length.

With a few encouraging words at the mirror I soon push myself on downstairs and to the kitchen to wear I see my aunt sitting at the table reading some random book as she drank coffee. She smiles up at me kindly, her short blonde hair was streaked with some shades of brown and red. She had small little brown eyes and big lips, a real nice woman she was.

"Morning auntie," I say teasingly, wandering to the cupboards and grab a protein bar from the drawer. I soon turn around to face her, closing the drawer as I lean against the cabinetry.

"Morning Nel, nice to see you actually got up," she says, pursing her lips at me. For the first weeks of school I was barely able to get myself to wake up and get ready due to being use to staying up late.

"Oh come on auntie, that was a while ago. You don't need to bring up the past," I say softly as I unwrap the protein bar before I munch slowly on the chocolaty peanut butter goodness.

"Yes, yes I know. Always like your father," My aunt replies as she smiles kindly at me before it quickly falters as she lets out a sigh, her age starting to show as creases form by her cheeks and forehead. It has been a long time since my father was gone, and it was awfully hard on my aunt since he was her brother. "Anyways, Nel, can you come work tomorrow? I need someone to run the counter, I have exercise class tomorrow night."

I let out a soft chuckle, a smile forming on my face. My aunt was always the healthy freak in the house with things like that, but truthfully she ate like a pig! But I guess she deserved it since she  worked out so much and I really didn't mind, it let me have time alone.

I had been staying here with my aunt since my mom went on some big business trip and she was never home so it was my aunt that became my motherly role. Truthfully I didn't mind, my mother was too caught up in work to notice me anyways. I mean, she always forgets my birthday! What kind of mother does that?!

I glanced at the time to see it was 7:30 as I feel a jolt of shock go through my body. "Oh my god! Sorry auntie, I'll see you tonight! I have to go," I say, dashing over to her and kiss her cheek before I grab my keys, dashing out the door with my bag.

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