The initation

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My mom stayed I had to go to summer camp.O stayed that I really didn't want to go but you know how it is moms make you go anyways.The camp was called camp Moral.I looked it up and it said tat there were several girls that have gone missing there but when I looked at the pictures of the girls who went missing they didn't look as pretty so many they only kill the ugly girls.

I guess I should tell you what I look like.I have brown hair and eyes.I always where black since attack

Please don't hurt me.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

End of flashback

When I was 11 a guy slammed me on the concrete and stuck a needle in me and after that I wake up strapped to a table. Then the guy started to cut my skin and eat it. That's why I always where pants.Before the guy could get any farther on eating me the police busted the door down and shot and killed the man.I don't talk to guys if I have to I start to freak and get on the floor nettle style the only guy I talk to is my dad.

Camp moral
When I arrived there were pretty girls everywhere.Then the group came towards me and said meet them by the fire later tonight.I didn't really want to go.But I guess I should.

Time skip
I met the girls there.They said it was time for the initiation. They strapped me to the chair and took a knife and made a t down my arm.I screamed.Then they said I'm one of them now.Then they said to follow them and so I did.When we were done walking there was a big tree with girls hanging from them.Then there was a girl who looked horrible and was strapped to the tree.Then the leader of the group stepped up and started stabbing the girl and when it was finally done.They went back and partyed.

I called my mom but she didn't answer I was wondering where all the camp councilors went.They were probably in a lodge farther north.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2016 ⏰

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