Chapter 9

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A/N: Do you still even like this story?

I arrived at the mall and quickly walked inside, keeping my head down, avoiding eye contact with people around me. I walked up to Only 22(for now) and looked through a rack of bright neon t-shirts, waiting for Snow to come. As I was looking around, I bumped into something, or rather, someone.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" The person shouted.

"S-Sorry," I whispered and turned around to see who it was. I turned and saw... Trixie! I haven't seen her since the food fight!

"Well, well, well! Look who we have here! The pathetic little girl who has the inability to speak up for herself!" Trixie cackled.

"Leave me alone," I whispered.

"Oh what was that?" Trixie said backing me up into the wall, "I can't-"

"Leave her alone," growled Discord.

"Oh? Why are you standing up for something as pathetic as her? She just a no-" Trixie began.

"I said," Discord punched the wall, separating me and Trixie," leave her alone." He stared menacingly into Trixie's eyes.

"I'm so-sorry," Trixie said looking down, terrified. She looked like she was ready to cry. Discord pointed to the door, and Trixie scrambled towards the door, weaving through the crowd.

"Are you okay?" Discord asked, holding his hand out towards me.

"Y-yeah," I responded, and took his hand.

"FLUTTERSHY!" Snow yelled, running over to us," I saw what happened are you okay?"

"Yeah," I responded happily, since my friend was now by my side.

"Well, now that Discord's here, and we can't exactly have a girls day, let's just go to Ave & Uster's!" Snow said excitedly.

"Forgetting someone?" Somber said arriving suddenly.

"Of course not! Let's go," I said. The day finished of in a fun and exciting manor.

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