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    When I walked into the school, my heart was pounding. There were tons of kids. I can't do this. The doors right there. Just say you want to be home schooled. But I don't turn around. Instead, I walk towards the office. 
   "Hey, dear. You must be Miss. Winter, yes? " I nod my head towards the lady, not wanting to speak. If you haven't established it yet, I'm just a bit shy.  "Here's your schedule, deary.  Have a nice day, " she smiles. I walk out of the office, looking down at my schedule.
     Science. Great. I hate science. Absolutely despise it. Whatever, let's just get this done and over with....
    I walk to room 461 and enter the class, all the students eyes landing on me.  I look down at my shoes, avoiding there eyes. Told you I was shy.......
    "Ah. You must be Skye. Have a seat in the back." There was an empty desk in the back of the room, and I hurried to sit in it, waiting till all eyes were off me to look up.

   When lunch came along,my stomach was in knots.  I didn't know where to sit. I grabbed an apple, finding an empty table and sitting at it.
    I was daydreaming, until the sound of a lunch tray landing on the table startled me. I look up to see a boy. He has brown hair and eyes, and a cute smile on his face. Wow.
   "Hi. You looked lonely, and I hated that. " He sits down looking at me.  I blush, mumbling a small hi. "My names Brendon, by the way. Yours? "
   "Skye. "
   "Beautiful, "

She Had The World (Brendon Urie)Where stories live. Discover now