Bill's Pages

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Wendy's POV

Finally! Mabel found Dipper, we just need to restore his memories. Soos has been helping McGucket work something up since the wipe happened. I have been the guy and his theories and I know how hard this has hit Mable. We are walking in the forest, she is trying to show me where she found him yesterday.

(a/n ok I've got a lot of debate is it Mable or Mabel just wondering) 

Mable's POV

He is out here, I know it. I keep thinking about my dream last night probably Bill's doing as I drag Wendy through the forest. I keep wondering what in the world that illuminacho is doing with my brother and it seemed like Dipper trusted him OVER ME!! We reach the tree I hid behind until I saw Dipper and mark it with a yellow star sticker. 

"this is where I saw him with Robbie and the two other hooded henchman"

"Ok then which way were they going before the triangle guy beamed you away"

"um uh well I was more focused on Dipper....Oh! The multibear of course we could ask him"

"Have you even ever talked to him" Wendy said, skeptical "Well no only Dipper has but he said he was nice" "ok well I guess we could try" She consented.

Dipper's POV

I can't believe I went on all this adventures with Mable and people named Wendy and Soos sometimes there were names like Grunkle (Weird) Stan and a Gideon. How come I don't remember any of this. I contemplate this while doing chores. I think Bill is a bad influence, he keeps egging me on to break Ivan's rules which I learned I pay the price for. He then gets really annoyed when he see's the bruises on my face and threatens to give him nightmares for the rest of his life. after my chores I started reading the Journal again when I came to this page about Bill. 


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It wasn't good, did I really distrust Bill this much? I don't understand he is my friend, he seems to be the only one besides Ivan sometimes that takes any real interest in me. I'm glad I haven't seen Bill in a while I don't think I want him to know I found all this...yet. Ivan Came into my room looking full of authority. I quickly hid the journal and stood up.

"Boy I have a job to do here and can't have you here for awhile so you will be staying at another of the society's home, you are leaving tonight no one must know of the Society so you must change out of your robe quickly"

As I started to remove my robe and take out my backpack "Which one of the Society member's will I be staying with" 

"Bud Gleeful" after this he left and closed the door.

A/N- quite the ending am I right, I know not the most climatic thing but I am excited to write Gideon's reaction especially since the only thing Dipper knows is the tidbits of info of The Hand That Rocks The Mable adventure in the journal.


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