The Fun Begins

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Kins pov

A week after the finals we all decided to meet at my aparment where a van waited to take us to the airport.

Why are they taking so long?the van is already here but there's no sight of them.


I turned around and saw the 3 of them rushing.Ur late!i shouted

Sorry man I lose track of time while preparing some stuff.

How bout u two do u have any excuse for being late?

Well we are girls.hehehe

I raised one eyebrow from there excuse.

Ugh,whatever just load ur stuff in the van


Woah!where did u get this van anyways dude?

I rented it.


What are we waiting for?let's get going.sam cheered

Yumi and I sat together of course sam and ike sat together too just one row behind us.

Im so excited kin!this is my first time going to somewhere else out of the borders of japan.

I'm glad ur enjoying yumi.I gave a little peck on her cheek and she  must be excited cause there was no reaction to it or maybe she got used to it already.

The trip going to the airport was quite except when the 2 monkeys at the back keeps arguing but fell silent after a few minutes when I turned my head they were both sleeping including yumi

At the Airport~

Hey wake up sleepy heads were here already!

Huh?ike,yumi and sam yawn and rub their eyes

Were here let's go already or will miss our flight


We went inside the airport and got our bags check did the body check and showed our passports and now were in the plane

Shotgun on the window seat.

Whatever man

Hehehe,by the way why r u sitting with me?

Why?u don't want me to seat with u?

No its fine by me but I thought you'll seat next to ur girlfriend

Well we have to follow the seating number so I got no choice but its fine its better than sitting with a stranger.

True don't worry it wont be boring I brought snacks with me

Awesome I also brought my psp to play on

Nice,boys hangout it is kin

Yea!I have high five ike

We ate chips and played games and after that we fell asleep


*attention to all passengers we will be landing to our desrination within 20mins*

20mins huh?good thing I woke up before that was announced.

Hey ike wake up were almost there

Huh?really wat did the pilot say?

We'll be there within 20mins

Alright,thanks for waking me

It's fine im gonna go to the bathroom for a minute and i'll go and check on the girls.

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