chapter 1

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i felt the sun shine on my face and the were birds chirping i knew it was morning before i could get up i felt a warm but gentle sensation on my lips , it was eisuke he was kissing me while i was asleep so he thought i gently got my arms out from the duvet and put them round his neck and kissed him back with all my might it certainly surprised him because he opened his mouth to say something but i invited my tongue to go in , i felt his hands sliding down by body first my face then my chest , stomache and i felt him slide downwards  hes looking for the end of my top  he found it because he was squeezing my breasts quicker then i knew 

karen: no no no 

i  said shaking my head and getting out of bed 

karen: i have work and so do you we dont have time for this 

eisuke: this whats this? 

karen: you know what i mean 

eisuke: oh you mean sex  or your girlish kissing 

karen: well in case you haven't noticed i am a girl but you don't kiss any better then a girl yourself 

eisuke: really now i'll see about that he said 

as he grabbed me by the hand and pulled me into his naked chest and tilted my face up with just a finger before he could place his lips on mine i covered it with my hand and i got a kiss on my hand instead but before he could get me back his phone rang 

eisuke: what bloody timing  

eshu was saying while i  had sneekly slided out of his grip when he pulled  my hand and twirled me round and wrapped his arm around my waist this time and whispered 

eisuke: ill deal with you later 

i placed my arms around his neck and whispered back in his ear

karen: not if i deal with you first 

i pinched his left bum cheek and ran for the door like my life depended on it  because if he caught me it just might before closing it 

-time skip- 

about half an hour later i was dressed and ready for work i just had to make eisukes coffee 

karen : do you want breakfast too

i shouted from the kitchen to the lounge where everyone was getting ready for work like a normal thursday morning

eisuke: dont bother iv got a meeting in twenty minutes with soryu's gang the food there will suffice

he shouted back to me in a good mood , i came out the kitchen with his abnormal coffee and placed it on the table 

karen: morning guys 

i said morning to four guys and only one replied

baba: morning biscuit 

karen: i guess baba the only one awake or with ears 

i commented

baba: hear that sor i got a compliment from karen 

soryu: yeah you have ears and if you dont stop bothering me you wont have any 

karen: as much as id love to stick around i gotta go

 as i grabbed my bag and headed for the lift i was inches away from pressing the button when i touched something soft i.e eshu's chest 

eisuke: forgetting something ? 

eisuke smugly looked at me 

we both knew what he was talking about except how could i resist teasing him 

karen: nope not that i can remember

i said with a completely blank and innocent look on my face 

eisuke: well let me remind you then 

just as he was leaning to kiss me his phone rang again he reluctantly let go of me and pick his phone up almost screaming 

Eisuke: whoever it is doesn't have a fucking life that's why their disturbing mine

I giggled to myself you could tell he was pissed and we were enjoying it
I walked my way to eisuke who was looking out the window on the phone and tapped him on the shoulder he turned around and looked at me I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him twice

Karen: (kiss) good morning and bye (kiss) 

And placed the phone back on his ear and ran for the lift  and stood in it if I'm late Erika will make me do double my shift before going eisuke smirked at me and waved bye

So .. my first chapter of my first book how was please let me know i would really appreciate it  :)

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