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"You're going to get owned. You know that right?" the man with messy black hair said as he allowed his friend to enter his small unkempt apartment.

"That's adorable that you think that way, Sol," the other man responded as he casually stepped into the warm apartment and shed his heavy pea coat.

"By the way, it's your turn to buy the pizza," the slightly shorter male reminded as he closed his front door to the cold winter chill and waited for his friend's coat to be handed to him. Normally he didn't give a crap about taking his guests' coats but he had learned early on that Eridan was a stickler for etiquette and proper hosting skills.

"Of course it is," Eridan said as he handed his coat over to Sollux. He removed his gloves also as an afterthought but kept his scarf on as it complemented the rest of his outfit. It would be a shame to remove such a fashionable accessory. Sollux stuffed the gloves in one of the coat's pockets and hung it all up in his front closet.

"Jeez ED you'd think we were having a blizzard with the way you bundle up. It's not even that cold out there," Sollux pointed out and led the way into the living room.

"It's thirty degrees out there! Fuck you, that's fuckin' cold!" Eridan protested indignantly as he followed his Asian American friend to the living room and took a seat on the couch. Sollux skimmed through his collection of video games to find the one they were going to be playing that evening.

"I keep forgetting that you aren't from this state," Sollux lisped without turning around from his search.

"Yeah I've only been here since college," the brunette huffed. "Where I come from thirty degrees is fuckin' cold."

Sollux finally found the game he had been looking for and turned around with a snort. "College is over ED. Either quit complaining about the cold or go back down south where you came from," he teased.

"I'm not movin' back, but I'm goin' to keep complainin' about the cold because it sucks," Eridan said stubbornly.

"Well why don't you call the pizza in and whine to them about how much you hate New England winters while I set the game up," Sollux said as he began working on unplugging one game system and finding the correct cords to plug back in to switch to another. Honestly, Sollux had so many cords and wires all over the place Eridan was surprised he hadn't set his apartment on fire yet. The former southerner rolled his eyes and pulled out his cell phone to dial the pizza place. He always ordered from the same one because they made the best vegan pizza he had ever tasted. It didn't take long for the order to be placed and for Sollux to plop down beside him on the couch handing him a controller. The pair had gotten incredibly used to the ritual of going to each other's apartments twice a month to veg out on gaming and catch up with the latest news in each other's lives.

Eridan and Sollux met their freshman year of college. Eridan was a pretentious hipster history major straight out of suburban Atlanta. He was still trying to get acclimated to his new life in Boston. Sollux had simply decided that having a paper certificate stating that he had a degree in computer engineering would convince more people to hire him for what just came naturally to him. When the two crossed paths in a shared core math class friendship had been the furthest thing from their minds. They both seemed to hate each other solely for the fact that the other existed. Sollux didn't think it was possible for one human being to embody every one of his pet peeves until Eridan came along. This one guy with his look-how-avant-garde-I-am purple streak dyed in his otherwise natural brown hair. The guy with those horrible thick-rimmed glasses that all the girls their age liked to get so they could take filtered picture of themselves with them on and look 'geek chic'. The guy that actually wore fucking scarves as accessories with his outfits nearly everyday. The guy that frequented the campus café and never ordered coffee but instead got a chai tea late then had the audacity to sit at a table in front of his Mac typing away at God knows what. That was the guy that sat beside Sollux in his math class and with every clink that his rings made as he twisted them around his fingers Sollux wanted to punch him in the face.

Serious Pizza TalksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora