01 | Hello, It's Me.

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01 | Hello, It's Me.

"McKay's POV"

"Oh God! It's so boring here!" My little brother, James whined complainingly. His hazal orbs raised to stare at ceiling in exclamation. Hint of exhaustion was clearly evident in his childish voice.

"Jammy, what do you mean by 'here', it's home." I scoffed; rolling my icy blue eyes at his oblivious behavior. He gritted his lips tightly and narrowed at his eyes at me.

"Well thanks for informing me!" He snapped sarcastically. For his age which is fourteen, he acts quite harsher and boyishly. Well, I wouldn't say him "mature" because if I would've to judge the world on the basis of maturity, he would always stay unchecked.

"Why mom and dad had to go to Aunt Teresa's home today only?" He muttered woefully, while continuing to gaze out of window. Small flakes of indefinable shaped snow were falling off white-clouded sky. The grayishness in the sky was clouding the small part of London. All people were dressed in full-bodied clothes; covering them from head to toe. Their arms were wrapped around their shivering bodies. No matter, which year is going on, London will be having a chilly and an unforgettable winter every time.

"Jammy . . . because Christmas is coming. They always visit her before it's arrival." I reminded him; while smiling at his fluffy grooming. His shaggy blonde hair which had cut in bowl-style was dancing as the chilly air -which had managed to peek in room through a small gap-fanned her hair. He had wore sky blue loose Murphy t-shirt. No matter how aged, he would become, his love for cartoons, amines would never die; always stay evergreen.

Me and Jammy are completely opposite: in personalities as well as looks. Where he is immature, loud, pessimistic and a total 24/7 nervous-wreck, I am mature, quiet, (because I like to get my voice into my action), optimistic and courageous. No doubt, why all the students maintain a quite far distance from me. And talking about looks, Jammy is a cute blondie with dimpled smile whereas I am a Burnette-with my dark brown hair, icy blue eyes with even ocean would get envious of and 6'1 tall frame, I have every chick with her eyes at my doorstep.

Jammy jingled his head as he hummed melodiously. I smiled and continued to lug in the woods into the firewood. The pushing effect was causing the burning woods to ignite more combust; highly noticeable sparks were popping out of woods.

"Hey, Kay! Let's play Truth and Dare!" Whipping to me, Jammy exclaimed suggestively.

Scowling, I answered. "No."

"Why Kay? Please. You're my lovely brother, aren't you?" He meowed complainingly; I continued to excite the fire to burn more in order to engulf the room with warmth of it.

"If being that, makes me play that game then, no." I retorted while dusting off my hands.

"Please Kay . . . You're being mean to me, now. Please." He complained again causing my eyes to roll.

"Carry on. But the answer will be same, forever."

"Hello, it's me -Johnny. Bhaw Bhaw. The most gorgeous dog of most gorgeous-"

"Get the bottle."

He smirked victoriously; smugness was dribbling off his smirk. He raised his hand and flicked front strands of his blonde hair; showing off his glory. Rolling my eyes at him, I glided to the beanbag and jumped down. While, he jogged to his room to get the bottle. This boy sure knows my weak point.

A smugly whistle echoed throughout our cozy living room. This kid sure knows how to get in my skin. Jammy soon appeared with the same smugly smirk waltzing on his face and jumped down beside me.

"Okay, so let's get started then." He gripped on the glass bottle and span it. My eyes and I am sure that Jammy's eyes were on the head of the bottle. Our eyes were following its every move. The bottle started to be less paced, decreased its place and nearly came to its withdrawal.

The head was going to stop at Jammy but . . .

It never happened.

Eventually, it stopped at me.

"YAY!" My head hung low while my ears bore the ear-spliting squeal of Jammy. Sighing defeatedly, I looked up at him with a tasteless expression.

"Truth or dare?"

I stared at him for a while, taking time to think the smarter choice.


"Yeah Yeah, sure. Why would you choose dare? Only courageous men have guts to choose it anyway. It's okay Kay, I understand . . . But you know, my all friends worship you and maybe after this . . ."

I zoned off to anyplace but here. His babbling continued to haunt my eardrums painfully.

". . . and their mothers, oh God, they literally lick their lips when you pass by and their fathers-"


"YAY! That's like my lordly bro." He pumped his fist up gloriously. Sitting back, he cleared his throat and held back an evil grin which was trying its hard to creep up.

"Um . . . I dare you to . . ." He tapped his index finger on his lips in a thoughtful manner and looked all around the room. Probably seeking for a new torture for me.

Then suddenly, his gaze stopped abruptly at the wall clock, hanging high. He squinted his eyes at it while I narrowed at him. What's he has in his mind now?

"Yeah!" His eyes went wide.

"What?" I cocked an eyebrow at his behavior.

"As it's 3:52 in the afternoon . . ." He trailed off amusingly.

" . . . So . . " My eyebrows furrowed while I eyed him suspiciously.

"And we've attended five doorbells till now . . ."

"I'm still not getting it, you know." I voiced out my confusion.

"I want you kiss the ringer of the seventh doorbell."


Hey Wattpaders! How was the first chapter of The Seventh Doorbell? Hope you enjoy it. I know it was WAY too short! I'll be editing it soon. Please VOTE and COMMENT!

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2016 ⏰

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