Interview #1 "Death's Touch"

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Wattpad's Fantasy Author Interviews

Interview #1

With @Joydom29


Username : Joydom29

Gender : Female

Author of :

*Death‘s touch's-touch

*Silver Wing

*Everlasting Howlers

*The Beauty Of Failure

Questions :

So, What story of yours we‘ll be talking about?

It‘s called ”Death‘s touch.“                                                                                                                                      

What is the genre of your story?

Fantasy, adventure a hint of romance and mystery.

Can you tell us a little bit about the story? 

Its about sorcerers and sorceresses. There are three of them, one her name is Rose, the other Liana and the last is Dawn. Rose's power is life, Liana's is revenge both of them are very happy with their powers, but Dawn is not. Her power is death, one simple touch can kill any living thing. This is the reason why Rose has to undo what Dawn has always done. One day Dawn discovers a passage way to the original magic world. She goes in the world, with her friends and discovers a friend that shows her the way on how to change her destiny. She embarks on the dangerous journey that makes the past catch up with the present.

That sounds very interesting. Tell us, How did you come up with the idea of your story?

I was just reading about a book that was all about magic then thought of making a book about it. So that night I slept and dreamed about the three girls and thinking of a plot till the next morning I ran towards my laptop and typed the whole day away.

So the idea came from a dream. Very cool. Now if we may know, What or who inspired you to write?

The book I was reading ( not saying the name ) and my friends, especially Iliana, whom I got Liana's name from. She was really persistent in helping me. She even offered editing, but sadly she failed. But she has always been the one reading all the chapters and rating them for me.

Who is your favorite character from your story „Death‘s touch“ and why?

My favorite character is Dawn, since she is such a sweet and kind hearted soul, but her power is acting like a curse to her. Which makes people not see her true potential. Just like me in school, I swear you I can guitar, piano, draw, paint, sing, recorder but no one seems to like me at all.

Tell us something extra about your story, something your readers don‘t know.

Well the fact that I am pairing up Dawn with Cole, Reed with Liana and Zac with Rose. I think I just spoiled all the romance parts :P

What book on wattpad you call your favorite?

One of my favorites is 'It Started With A Lie' I like it since it‘s funny and romantic at the same time. And also it‘ not like most romance stories in wattpad which is scenes that people my age would not want to read about ( by the way I am 12 ) and it also has great descriptions and not much error.

What do you like most about wattpad?

The fact that I can share my stories without people judging me harshly. And also the people here are so so kind to me, and encouraging too. And I love the fact that books are free since I don't buy that much books like I used to. But there are some things that are irritating, like the really bad books out there ( not naming any ). Just the ones that bad mouth celebrities and all that. But other than that I am cool with wattpad :)

And finally, Are you more a reader or a writer?

I think I am tilting over to the writer part but I can call it even. I get my ideas from books and movies I read. But then I also love to write since its a way for me to relax and write about my feelings through another person ( aka my character ) that is why in all my stories I have one character that I always am close too.

*end of interview*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2013 ⏰

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