∙ Count ∙

329 54 33


I count to four


I count to eight


I count to ten.

I couldn't count no more.

So I count the stars above,

They twinkle merrily against the raven sky.

I see Big Dipper

I see a rosary

I see many things while I count them.

I continue counting the stars.


I count to four


I count to eight


I count to ten.

But they didn't stop.

He tells her he was glad he cheated,

She tells him Sam wasn't his daughter.

My name is Sam.

He slaps her on the cheek.

What do I do?

I cry and I cry and I cry.

I stopped counting the stars.

They were too many anyway.

Mom, dad, what happened between you two?

What do I do?

I'm just a child.

You used to love each other,

You used to count the stars together,

Like I did.

You both said the stars would help.

But they didn't.


I count my teardrops instead.


They fell freely against my stubby cheeks


Ten seconds passed until I finally heard it.


But everything's too late.

I already stopped counting the stars.

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