Chapter three Piggys revenge

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Ralph decided he would help Piggy plot his revenge against Roger. With Roger out of the way, Jack would be all his. They came up with a plan and started putting it in action.
Piggy decided that he would be really nice to Roger. And get Rogers trust. After about two hours of talking about nail polish, he accomplished this.
Piggy started talking to Roger about Bloody Mary. Roger, because he was an idiot didn't know what Bloody Mary was. Piggy said to Roger, "She was a psychotic killer in the colonial times that liked to butcher and eat her victims. She was obsessed with mirrors and herself. She issued a curse before she was executed and now if anyone chants her name while looking in the mirror, she will kill them!! But this is just an old wise tale, you shouldn't be scared." Roger was trembling in fear by the end of the story. Piggy nonchalantly started walking toward the heart of the forest, and beckoned Roger to follow. Roger did, tentatively. Piggy stopped in front of a gigantic mirror. (Don't ask me how they got that mirror on a random island. They just did.) Piggy triple dog dared Roger to try Bloody Mary. And Roger, not wanting to be a pussy, had to do it.
Ralph was hiding behind the mirror with a knife and a mask on. (Again, don't ask me how they got that. They just did.) as Roger was on his third chant Ralph jumped out from behind the mirror and started chasing him and making creepy noises with his mouth. Roger ran off and screamed like a little girl deeper into the woods. To be seen when he was relevant again.
Ralph was so happy that he went and kissed piggy. After all, piggy was irresistible with his Taylor Lautner body. But Ralph forgot one major detail, PIGGY ISN'T GAY.
But that doesn't matter. Because now Ralph has Jack all to himself.

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