Chapter 35 - The Ghost Of You.

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Phoenix's POV.

- Three Months Later - (Sorry for all the time skips)
Me and Karrie are sitting down I the living room with Catfish on in the background talking about things.
"The doctors say I can now tell you everything from your past."
"I thought I knew most things about it?"
"No. You really don't."
"Oh." Is all I say.
"What am I to you?"
"My best friend!"
"Wrong! Phoenix I'm your sister!"
"Well you are because we got adopted together."
"No Phoenix listen to me! We are blood sisters! Our parents died in a car accident, well actually it isn't any accident it was murder! We were in the car singing along to songs then someone rammed into us and shot our parents. He was demanding to hand us over because he was actually our father. You were hurt and then from that day you could never remember what happened and your whole life has practically been a lie. And the guy who shot you in the leg, I'm pretty sure he was the one who killed our parents. Please believe me. Please."
"Karrie. I-"
"Phoenix I'm not lying please!"
"Just leave me alone for a bit. Please." I sit there and hug onto the blanket watching Catfish. I couldn't take in the information I was told. Over thinking I started to cry.
Karrie's PoV.
I went and told Patrick and Brendon at what happened when I told her.
"Just give her some time!"
"I am but I'm worried about her."
"What that just the doorbell?"
"I think so."
"Who could that be?"

Phoenix's pov.
I went to open up the door and there he was. On one knee. Holding a ring up to my face smiling like an idiot. I didn't know how to feel. I feel overwhelmed. I feel angry but I feel loved.

Brendon's PoV.
There he was standing. Proposing to Phoenix. I went to charge for him but Patrick stopped me.
"He isn't worth your time. Leave him be. She can sort him out." And I did as he told me to. Leave that fucker alone.

-Well that's it. The end of this shit book ☺️-
If you have any questions I'll make another chapter and do a Q&A for you guys but here is the end of it and yeah your welcome

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