Chapter 2: The Hogwarts Express

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On the train I sat with Harry, Ron and Hermione; they were all really interested in what my old Academy was like. To be honest, Silver Stone was like a massive log mansion and estate in the woods. But aside from the natural beauty of the location, the students were high class snobs and there was so much drama that it made everything horrible.

"Well aside from the students, Silver Stone sounds delightful" Hermione smiled as she stroked Crookshanks's orange fur.

"It was, is Hogwarts full of drama?" I asked as Soot jumped onto Harry's lap, Ron patted my cats head as Soot turned into a black cat-loaf on Harry's lap. The three of them passed anxious glances at each other.

"Well, right now's kind of hard to explain without freaking you out" Ron said awkwardly.

"Come on how bad could it be?" I laughed, Harry sighed then began his entire story right from the very beginning. He explained about the Wizard War that took place years ago, Voldemort, how his parents were murdered by him, how Harry got his scar and defeated the evil wizard as a baby, how every year this wizard would try to kill him but failed, and especially how two years ago this wizard came back and nobody believed him until now. "Okay...that is so much worse than what I was Hogwarts safe?" I asked now worried and sitting back in my seat.

"Yes of course, there is nothing to worry about for the most part" Hermione answered quickly. "Just watch out for Slytherin, don't trust any of them!" She warned, chills ran down my spine.

"Why?" I asked.

"They're just untrustworthy, and they're jerks who think they're better than everyone else" Ron laughed, I nodded. "Hey! Have you been sorted yet?" He asked, I shook my head and wrung my hands anxiously.

"No...not yet...would you guys still talk to me if I was sorted into Slytherin?" I asked nervously.

"Probably not" Ron said, I felt like I had been struck in the gut. Hermione hit him in the stomach.

"Shut up Ronald!" She hissed then looked at me. "Of course we would, don't listen to him, he's an idiot" she fumed, Harry nodded and smiled at me.

"Exactly, if you were put into Slytherin then maybe not all Slytherins are the same. You're really cool and we like talking to you" Harry confirmed, Ron shot Hermione a glare. "Do you think you might be sorted into Slytherin?" He asked.

"My father was a Slytherin" I replied, they looked at each other nervously.

"What is his name?" Harry asked nervously.

"Robert Greenrose" I answered, they all looked a bit relieved.

"What?" I asked nervously.

"Nothing, we just don't recognize the name, he doesn't have a snake and skull tattoo on his forearm does he?" Harry asked.

"Not he doesn't like tattoos....but my uncle has a one like you described. He's in Azkaban" i answered. "I've never met him, only heard my parents talk about him and seen photos of him when I was a kid. The moment my father graduated he moved to North America, he cut all ties with here" I added. They looked nervously at each other.

"Do you other members of your family have that mark on their forearm?" Hermione asked, I shook me head.

"I don't know my family from Ireland, my mother is Canadian and she's muggleborn as you would say" I explained.

"You're a half-blood, that's pretty awesome! You add more diversity into our trio" Ron chuckled. "Two purebloods, a muggbleborn and a Half-Blood" he laughed, I just rolled my eyes.

"Okay, well I'm just going to go to the washroom" I said getting up.

"We call it the loo here" Hermione giggles.

"Tomato, tomato" I teased with the two different pronunciations as I walked out of the cabin, Soot jumped onto my shoulder just before I was fully out. I giggle and strokes his fur.

The train was surprisingly smooth as I walked down the tight hallway, I passed a candy cart and made a note to get something to eat later. Just as I reached the door to the girls bathroom, the train jolted, surprised cries carried out through the cabins. I fell back but someone caught me before I hit the ground. Soot jumped onto the ground before behind squished.

"Good Merlin" I growled at my clumsy footing.

"You wanna watch where you're going" the voice who saved me growled as he set me back upright, I blushed brightly and turned around to face a tall incredibly handsome guy with bleach blonde hair and startling silver eyes. He was dressed all in black and had a soft scowl on his face.

"I'm really sorry! The train jolted, and I'm really not used to trains" I apologized quickly, his eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"You're American?" He stated.

"Canadian actually" I corrected, he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, did you just transfer?" He asked curiously, his accent just made him hotter.

"Yeah, is it that obviously?" I asked jokingly, an amused smirk brush his lips.

"Yes, it is quite obvious actually" He replied, my cheeks grew hotter.

"Good to know..." I said awkwardly as I reached back for the handle of the bathroom.

"Have you been sorted into a house yet?" He asked curiously, i shook my head.

"Not yet," I answered, he nodded and inspected me over with his silver eyes. "I-I should go, I told my friends I'd be back soon..." I said quickly, he nodded as his eyes flickered back up into mine.

"Probably a good idea, just watch where you're stepping" He mentioned before continuing to walk away, I nodded and slipped into the bathroom quickly. Soot jumped onto the counter as I went into the stall, well that was really awkward.  

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