Chapter Two

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"You do realize I would've killed you by now, if I didn't already know you were a normal human right?" A deep voice asks from behind me.

 My first thought is; FUCK ME! Before I turn around I pull my gun from my thigh and hold it at my side so I can point it at the strangers heart when I turn around. When I do I am left speechless because there is absolutely no way in hell that this god like creature standing in front of me is not one of the corrupted. Just no way! I am also suddenly very aware of the fact that the last time I bathed was over a week ago. (Highly gross I know, but when the world ends it doesn't really matter.) 

"Are you going to keep staring at me like you wanna eat me, or are you gonna shoot me? I'm just asking so I can plan my day." He asks me. With that half smirk that all men seem to be able to do, only he seems to do it in a way that makes my insides squirm, which hasn't happened since before. 

Damn. Having the world end really plays a tole on your sex life. I'm crazy horny and this man is not helping.

"I'm just trying to decide where I want to shoot you." I say back with a face void of emotion because hell if I'm going to let him know that I want to jump his bones. 


OMG is he laughing?!?  "hahahaha"  he is! he is totally laughing at me. Stay cool, don't let him know that he's pissing you off. Turn around and walk away. Just walk away. Or maybe you can shoot him in the leg. Doubt he'd be laughing then. 

"Wait! Okay. Look I'm sorry, don't go. You are the first person who isn't corrupt that I've come across in over a year. Also, I mean you're so small and fragile looking I didn't think you would sound so...."  he pauses looking for a word to describe how I sounded. "Dangerous." He concludes with after running to catch up with me, he uses a voice that says he is honestly surprised. 

I don't respond right away, just keep walking. Mostly because he's voice is so velvety it is melting my resolve and I can't think straight. 

"Yeah. Well looks can be deceiving." I say, adding "Trust me I would know." Under my breath. "Now can you run along and leave me be because I don't need you slowing me down right now okay? I have to get ba... I just need you to go okay? So run along." I almost let my hiding place slip and there is a very cute two year old waiting for me who no one but me needs to know about. 

"Can't you just stop for a second! Please?" He begs as he grabs my arm and pulls me to a stop. 

"What?!" I ask irritated, I just want to get back to the only thing that really matters to me now since everyone else is gone.  "What, could you possibly want from me?" 

"I want to know how you've made it? Are you alone? Are there others? Look I just,,,I- I'm tired of being alone all the time."  He says.

Pausing, I think about what he says and how I've literally only had a two year old to talk to for the past year and a half. How this five minute conversation has quite honestly been the best part of my, well, life actually but I still don't know if I can trust him or if I'm even willing to trust him or anyone else for that matter. See trust is something that is impossible to come by right now. The world is not what it used to be, if you drop your guard even for a second you could end up dead. So this entire line of thought is basically a moot point since I will not be trusting him and I won't be letting him come with me. No matter how godly he might look and how stomach dropping his voice is. 

"Yeeeaah, so you don't need anything from me then." I tell him with a roll of my eyes  while walking away again. 

I'm almost all the way back to where I left her, when I hear a twig snap. AGAIN! is all I can think. Without thinking I pull my gun turn and shoot all in one swift motion. I miss his head by a millimeter. 

"You have got to be fucking kidding me! I could have killed you!" I shout at him. "Actually, you know what?  I should have shot you in the leg earlier like I imagined doing when you started laughing at me. Then we would not be in this situation right now. I'm so going to kill you it's not like it will matter in the long wrong anyways" I rant.

Once he finally recovers from the shot he says, " Wow! Did you even take a breath? Also you do realize if I was any one else you would have died like 15 minutes ago and you wouldn't have even seen it coming?" 

"Yo-- "

"Tessie! Tessie!" a small innocent voice cuts me off from some distance away. 

I cringe and close my eyes because he just looked in her direction and I sooo did not want him to know she even existed in the first place. WHY ME! Why does my life always have to come with some ridiculous complication? I was probably born with a warning label that read 'CARE FOR AT YOUR OWN RISK!' or 'WARNING LIFE OF MISERY AHEAD.' I don't know but its most likely why mom and dad didn't want me from day one. 

FOCUS TESSA!   When she finally sees me she launches herself at me saying "I hawrd gun shots and thought you died." 

I can't help but smile at her and be mad that she didn't stay put like we always  agree on before I leave. "No, Honey, I didn't die. It was just a warning shot." I tell her right as she turns around and sees him. When she turns around I give her a stern look. " You know the rules. You are to NEVER  run out of our agreed upon spot. You are to stay put until I come and tell you it's all clear." I scold. 

"I know. I'm sowry. I just got newrvus. Who is he?" she apologizes and asks while looking back at him. 

He still has the same shocked expression on his face that he has been wearing since he first heard her voice. Like he honestly can't believe what he is seeing. I for one find it extremely hilarious.  

"The dumbass followed me here and almost got himself killed. I'm not sure what his name is but I think I could take him out if I have to, what do ya think" I tell her. Don't get on my ass for swearing in front of a toddler, its the end of the world and trust me she's heard it all from everything else out there. "I fink you can get him if you suwrpwrised him." she says with a hint of laughter cause she thinks shes being funny. But in reality shes not that far off. The dude has like a hundred pounds of muscle on me for fucks sake. 

"Hey, she can't take me. Even if she wanted to." he says snapping out of his shocked state. "but to answer your question I'm Grayson. It's very nice to meet you." he says smiling at Olivia in a way that if I'm not careful, I could see myself falling for him. That is not an option. Not now not ever. I have to stay focused and apparently I even have to work on that so, falling for someone is not whats allowed right now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2017 ⏰

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