Deathly Silence

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Hey guys! So I hope you like this chapter! Maybe not the ending... ANYWAY, so once again I'm dying from homework, but obviously teachers don't care about their students! But anyway please remember to COMMENT, VOTE, and FAN! Also, please enjoy! :D Also the song on the side is just yet another song I've been listening to a lot lately xD

P.S. this chapter was 8 freaking pages on word, and they cut it down to 4 pages on here! WTF wattpad! :p... anyway enjoy! cx


Chapter 14

(Piper’s POV)

“Why the hell would you do that!” Kaleb shouted.

I scowled at him and crossed my arms; I continued to avoid his angry look. Was it so horrible that I…gave her a hint? Willow was my best friend for crying out loud, what did Kaleb expect me to do? It was hard enough to try to start avoiding her once again, now I couldn’t even give her hints? Alright, maybe the hint thing was too much, but come on!

“Don’t you understand what we’re dealing with? This isn’t a game Piper! You can’t just start dropping hints without telling Grayson! This is his secret after all, not ours,” Kaleb continued to scold me.

I still didn’t say anything back. I kept my back towards him and my arms folded firmly across my chest. I didn’t need Kaleb telling me what I did was wrong. I already knew I shouldn’t have done it…but I couldn’t help myself! I can’t help, but want to help Willow out.In all honesty, I wish I didn’t even know this god damn secret. Why did Grayson have to tell me? Why not tell me after he already told Willow.

“Are you even listening to me? Piper-“

“Just shut the hell up Kaleb! I know what I did was wrong, I know I shouldn’t be trying to help Willow out, but it’s so hard not to! She’s my best friend, our best friend! What am I supposed to do? I can’t help but want to help her, is that such a crime to want to help a friend out?” I finally snapped at him.

He sighed and sat down next to me on my bed.

“Look I’m sorry okay? This is getting to me too. I want to tell her as much as you do, but you and I both know we can’t do that. We have to avoid her, as much as we both don’t like it; it’s the only way to make sure Grayson’s secret is safe. He’s gonna tell her…I’m just not sure when,” He pulled me into a reassuring hug.

I buried my face into his chest and let out a small sob. I knew I shouldn’t be getting so emotional over this…but I knew Willow was going to be hurt once she knew. Hell, it hurt me to know. Willow, of all people, didn’t deserve to be hurt, then again no one did. The guilt of it all was just eating me alive though. When she brought up that pinky promise we made about not keeping things from each other, it seriously broke my heart to know I basically trashed that promise.

Grayson and Kaleb broke promises to…but it was for the best I guess. None of us wanted to hurt her, but we all knew she was going to get hurt either way. It pained me to know that. We had been best friends for such a long time now; I couldn’t do that to her…I had to though.

I don’t know how long I just stayed in Kaleb’s arms, letting him comfort me. Everything I held back over the past few weeks just flowed out.

At least I knew Kaleb would always be there for me, even after Willow left since she probably wouldn’t trust us anymore once she found out.

“It’s okay, everything will be fine,” Kaleb reassured me.

“H-how do you k-know?” I lifted my head to see him giving me a weak smile.

Pinky Promise? [Finished! And Finally Editing]Where stories live. Discover now