The Final Chapter

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Hey loves! I hope y'all enjoyed that chapter. I think this chapter may be the last one. I really hope y'all enjoyed this story and if y'all want it I may write a second part. Anyway, enjoy the last chapter of "Baby Girl and Her Hot Stuff".


Derek's POV:

"You're not going to like this. I don't think we can raise our baby in a stable environment if we continue to work at the BAU."

"Baby, are you sure? I mean you love your job and the team is our family," Penelope responds grabbing my hand in hers and lacing our fingers.

"Yes, I do love my job, but I love you and our baby more. Plus, one of my properties is in the county literally right outside of Quantico so the team can visit their little niece or their little nephew any time they want," I reply putting my free hand on her stomach knowing that the best thing that happened to me has the other best thing that is happening to me inside of her right now.

"Okay Love Bug, I will send in our resignations and tell the team........... Right after you snuggle your baby girl some more." She says and climbs in the bed with me.

~9 Months Later~

Penelope's POV:

"Oh My God Baby Girl, they are so beautiful. Look at our children," I hear Derek say as I sit in my hospital bed holding our newborn children. When we went in for my ultrasound a while ago we found out we were having twins, one boy and one girl.

"They really are," I respond a tear rolling down my cheek.

He wipes it away and then kisses me and says "You know how I said 'It can't get better than this' that first day of our honeymoon?"

"Yeah, why?" I ask smiling up at him as memories of that night flood my mind.

"I was wrong. It can't get better than this." He says and kisses our daughter and our son on their foreheads. Just then there is a knock on the door and Rossi pokes his head in.

"Kitten, can we come in? We want to meet our new additions.

"Of course," Derek and I say at the same time and laugh. Rossi, Hotch, Emily, JJ, and Reid walk in.

"JJ, Reid, come meet your new god children," I say.

They walk over to us and Derek and I hand each of them our children. Emily, Rossi, and Hotch wait patiently for their turn to fawn over our new additions to the family.

I say, "Emily come meet our daughter, Emily Erin Morgan." I see the tears of joy stream down her cheek. She looks at me and then Derek.

"You named her after me?"

"Of course, Prentiss, and she will know that she is named after the best partner her dad ever had and -" I cut him off.

"The best friend her mom and godmother ever had," I say with smile as she holds Emily. JJ walks over to us and Reid lays his hand on Derek's shoulder and smiles at him.

"Hotch, Rossi, come meet our son, David Aaron Morgan," I hear Derek say as my two best friends fawn over my daughter and make me laugh as they argue over who gets to babysit the twins first.

Rossi and Hotch smile at each other before them and the other two men join JJ and Emily in surrounding my bed. Our family may be small and different, but I wouldn't trade them for the world. They all fawn over the babies and talk about what the future holds for them, like play dates, and first birthdays at Rossi's mansion, and sleepovers at all of their houses.

As all the commotion is going on I look up at my husband and see that he is already looking at me with that looked filled with the same amount of love that he as always looked at me with.

As he leans down to bring his lips to mine anyone in that room or looking into it could tell that no one in the world loves or has loved each other as much as this Baby Girl and her Hot Stuff do.

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