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I pounced after that. Fuck this shit I'm out, I don't care if my feet hurt, I'm running to this kid's stop...
I finally get there... Thank god, I saw the bus come right after me. I got on last... Just to see those ass faces running in fury after the bus. Feeling immortal are we? I rush on the bus.
Come on, come on... YES!
Adios puta! The bus left just in time for me to see the looks on their faces, I should have took a picture.
The song turns to a Eminem one... Rap God remix.. Niiiiice.
When the song finally reaches it's end, I put my phone away to listen to some bus gossip. The best gossip. Everyone shares their info on the bus because their "friends" aren't in their classes...
"Bruh, have you heard about that factory bombing?! People said it was terrorists... They seem to be everywhere nowadays."
"I heard it was someone who worked there that bombed it, it was a small one though; then the whole thing exploded."
"Yeah, I saw it on the news... I even saw Melody... She was crying like a little pissbaby in front of a police officer."
Yup. It's time to get my phone back out.
"HEY, PERCI JACKSON!!" (That's my nickname... I think it's cool but to them since he had weird powers, and I'm WEIRD... It was perfect.)
A paper ball hits the window... Nice aim bro. I decide to ignore it. That is.. Until another is thrown directly at my face. I turn my head, "Yes?"
"Perci pissbaby!!!" Wow how funny and insulting hahaha boo hoo. Again, I'm going to ignore it. Like a civilized adult.
"She's probably trying to use her messed up brain to think up what emotion she is in..." Some bitch snickered.
And this is the moment where I snap, "Can you ever fuck off?!"
"Psh, it responded."
"Says the one who can't shut their whore mouth!"
"And that comes from the virgin."
"At least I don't have my pussy stretched out to look like a black hole!" I screamed, the bus radio that was playing 107.7 was now complete static.
"What the hell..." I murmured.
"She's more of a fucking freak!" Someone wailed.
"I don't even know what the hell is going on!!" I shouted back.
"All of you sit down and shut up!" Our bus driver warned us as we pulled into the school bus parking lot.
We all pushed eachother off the bus, into the school.
"See you later fucking freak!"
"Piss off..." I hissed.
"Excuse me, Ms. Perci that was disrespectful. Step aside with me." A saggy-titted teacher scowled at me.
I groaned and walked over to her.
"Why did you say that to your class mate?"
"Did you not hear what she said to me?!"
"You responded!"
"I'm getting in trouble because of that?!"
"Don't get fresh with me!"
I sighed. "I'm sorry, I'll go apologize to the student..."
"Very good... I'll be giving your parent a phone call."
"Good luck..." I look over the teacher's shoulder and see...
Oh my god...
I rub my eyes and it disappeared. Maybe I need glasses.
"See you later Miss..." I walk off...
Was it? Couldn't have been...

The Three Bi's in My LifetimeWhere stories live. Discover now