Sholin Temple

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Chapter One

A yellowy mist greeted her as she opened her eyes. Even softened, the kiss of the morning sun burned her cheeks, and Syrsha rolled to her side until her forehead cracked off a wooden plank.

"Hells," she croaked, rubbing at her pained head.

Through a slitted gaze, Syrsha realized that she was in the back of an uncovered wagon. By the way the cart bumped and banged, she knew that it was being pulled behind a mount. Yet the girl could recall nothing else and nothing of how long it had been since she had time-walked to Vesta.

Her legs were unsteady, and Syrsha fell to her knees, cringing as pieces of rock tore at her pants. No one came to her aid, she noticed. As soon as Syrsha eyed Otieno, she realized that the akkachi was not relieved to see her awake. His stare was dark and filled with fury, more so than she was accustomed to seeing, even from the stern man. When he jumped from his horse, Syrsha's hands felt for her daggers. Her swords were gone, and, within moments, she realized that her knives were as well. While she slept, one of them must have stripped her of the weapons.

Her movements did not escape the diauxie's notice.

"You will find nothing to defend yourself, faela," he spit in warning.

Fully healed after so much rest, Syrsha did not back away from him as he stepped near. Her nose twitched and her vision darkened, as if an enemy approached.

"I need no weapons, Otieno," she countered, knowing that the others watched, but would not interrupt.

Her teacher did not strike, much to her surprise. More, he stepped back from her, in dismissal and indifference.

Behind him stood Liang, who had remained nearly silent for the last half-moon. Syrsha waved at her and called, "Do you know where we are? Can you find me a teacher here?"

For the days that Syrsha had slept, the others continued. While the grasslands looked the same, lush and wet, the road had widened, which suggested that they neared a city. Ahead, painted signs written in Tiannese symbols directed travelers to and fro. Looking more intently, Syrsha noticed gabled roofs, curved and long, on the horizon. Unable to read the hand-scrolled words, she pointed toward the sign and asked what town they came upon.

"If we continue east, we will come upon the Sholin Temple. I have heard of the place, although I have not visited it myself," Liang softly answered.

After looking toward the signs again, she added, "Oh yes, now I remember why the name sounds so familiar. The temple is famed for being home to many of the striped laohus. I do not know how to name them in Common."

Half-smiling, Syrsha laughed, "In Cossima, they were called great cats, for there were none stronger, not even the ones that ran the swiftest. So this temple breeds the laohus?"

"Aye, but more. They fight them. It is a great privilege to face off against them, and an even greater honor to best one."

"I have heard of such battles," Syrsha explained, knowingly. "In lands near Sythia, they do the same. Would we be permitted to enter the temple, Liang? I would see these cats before I leave Tian."

Nodding, the girl said, "For coin, any can enter. But as with any Tiannese temple, you must follow all rules. I do not know how Sholin is managed, but it would be much the same, I think."

To the men, Syrsha said, "I am inclined to visit the temple, with your agreement."

It was Aldric who quickly asked, "Will we be safe inside the temple grounds?"

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