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I walked into the air port, my mom by my side. I checked my bags in and waited for my flight to be called.

=============1 hour later=============

Flight 193 to Sydney is boarding now

That was me and because my mom left after I checked my bags in, grabbed my carry-on and walked onto the plane. I plugged in my headphones and leaned my head on the window as Therapy from All Time Low blasted through my ears. I felt someone sit next to me but didn't bother to look at them, closing my eyes letting sleep take over me.


He was drunk again, yelling at me for not cooking dinner. My mom was locked in her room, ignoring what was happening, per usual. He came closer to me as my back hit the wall, smiling sickly at me. He grabbed me by my neck and threw me at the opposite wall. the wind was still knocked out of me when he was kicking me, "You worthless piece of sh*t!" he screamed at me punching me in the ribs. He continues this until he passed out on my floor from drinking too much again. I hauled myself up the stairs, careful as I walked past my parents room, not wanting to bother her. I collapsed on my bed crying myself to sleep another night*

I woke up to a flight attendant shaking my shoulder telling me we landed, I grabbed my bag an walked off the flight. This was the start to my new beginning.

That KidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora