First Impressions

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I walked off the plane, grabbing my luggage and guitar case. I looked for my brother, Ashton my mom thought it would be a good idea to live with him after what happened. I ran up to him and pulled him into a bone crushing hug, I haven't seen him in a year while he was off at college. "Hey little sis, how was the flight?" he said, now having a bit of an Australian accent, pulling away from the hug. "Fine" I said quietly. He sighed, "Let's get going, you have everything, yeah?" I nod, and we walk to his car. We start driving to his house, the radio playing quietly. I hear a new Panic! at the Disco song start playing and turn it up. Winding down my window, I let the warm air blow in my face.

We get to his neighborhood and it looks really fancy, great more annoying, snobby kids. We pulled into a nicely sized, brick house, next door I could hear boys laughter. Ashton and I got my bags and walked into the house, him leading me upstairs. We walked into a large room with an adjoined bathroom and large closet. The walls were a dark grey and the bed had a plain black comforter with stark white pillows. There was a white desk in the corner, my mac- book laying on it and dark wood floors. "I'll be downstairs come, down when you're done unpacking." he smiled and I nodded back as he left. I played music off of my phone and began unpacking my chargers and other electronics. My amps would be here in a few days. I put all m clothes away in the closet and changed into black skinnies and a worn-out black Green Day shirt, shoving my hair into a messy bun. I walked down the stairs and heard the same laughter from outside. I grabbed a root beer and went towards to where the laughter was coming from. My brother and three other guys, one was really pale and had bright red hair(my fave of his) , the other had tan skin and short brown hair. The last one sitting right next to my brother had blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and was covered in tattoos. I looked at my brother, "Who are they?" I said confused. "Who are you?" the blonde boy asked rudely. "Chill, Luke. These are the guys. Guys this is my sister, Dakota." Ashton said brightly. "Cool" I said, bored and plopped on the other side of my brother. "I'm Calum" the tan boy smiled, "Micheal. You're hot." the pale one said, grabbing my hand and kissing it, giggling. I laughed at how ridiculous he was, "This is Luke" Ashton nudged the one with tattoos. "Nice to meet you guys" I said blankly, "When are my amps gonna be here?" I whined to Ash impatiently. "I think they are getting here tomorrow" He shrugged. "What amps?" Calum asked, very confused. "For her guitar" Ash said like it was obvious. I cracked a smile at how much of a sassy little shit he is. "You play?" Calum asked excitedly. "Yeah, do you?" I asked back. "Yeah I play bass." He retorted. I laughed,"Dude that is like the easiest thing" he blushed. "Oh yeah? Bet you couldn't do it if you tried" he argued, "If you do terrible I get to take you on a date and if you rock I'll be your chauffeur for a month" he shook my hand and I agreed. I am defiantly not going on that date. Ashton snorts, "Dude you should not have done that"

Calum look really disappointed after I played, obviously doing good. I had 3 years of guitar lessons, although they were mostly to get away from him and the memories of her. I put his guitar on the stand and smirked, "Thanks for the gracious offer of being my chauffeur for a whole month. You are so sweet!" I teased. He shrugged, "Gives me more time to get to know you" he smirked wiggling his eyebrows. I remember when she used to do that before it happened. I shook away my thoughts when I heard Ash calling my name, asking if I was alright. "Yeah I'm fine. Just remembered" I said sadly and I didn't have to explain, my mom told him everything and I had talked to him many time since the incident. We all headed back to the living room and were all on our phones when I spotted and Xbox next to the TV. I popped in FIFA 5 grabbing my controller that Ash brought with him. The boys started making conversion behind me as I played on the beanbag on the floor. "Hey Dakota, I think you and Luke would make good friends, chat it up" Ashton spoke up and I quirked an eyebrow "Chat it up?" I said skeptically, I doubt that I would do that anytime soon. Considering he hasn't even talked to me since I first came down. "Yeah you guys like the same music, same clothes, tall, big feet, among other things" he rambled. "What other things?" i asked now pausing the game and turning around. "Um, li-like your past I guess" he said meekly, looking at Luke as if begging him not to kill him. I, on the other hand, was furious. I did not want these guys to know how screwed up I am. I ran up the stairs, slamming my door and pulling my hair. I started punching the wall, not being able to control my anger and my knuckles began to bleed. There was a dent in the wall when Ash barged into my room, looking at the mess in front of him. He picked me up and sat me on the counter in my bathroom. He grabbed a First Aid kit cleaning my hands and bandaging them. He hugged me real tight and whispered sorry as I sobbed into his shirt. I calmed down and we went back downstairs. The boys were silent on the couches, waiting for us. I plopped in the beanbag next to Calum. "So- uh- what happened? Are you okay Dakota?" Calum asked, concerned. "Yeah, what's all this about your 'past'" Mikey asked putting air quoted around past. "It's just a touchy subject. I don't want to talk about it" I mumbled and continued my FIFA game. They all mumbled an okay, going on their phones. I'm glad they didn't press it, no one needs to know about that. I could feel Luke still looking at me though, but he looked away eventually. It was really quiet so I got up, wanting to explore the house. Before I could get a good look at things, I saw a pool in the back yard.

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