Chapter 3

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Kim's P.O.V

"AUNTIE NICOLA" Megan ran up to Nicola and gave her a hug.

"Ive missed you so much baby" Nicola said while lifting up Megan

"Ive missed you too"

"You alright Kimberley?"

"You'll never guess what"


"Oh auntie Nicola" Megan interrupted.

"What is it baby"

"Im going to see Cheryl Cole with mummy"

"Your a very lucky girl aren't you, to have such a great mum"

"Yes i am very lucky"

Nicola looked back at me. "What were you saying Kim"

"I was gonna say the same"

"Oh my god. When is it"


"In the O2"

"Yeah. Im actually so excited"

"God, so would i be. If she was gay, and i was gay, id be, like, trying to get into her or something"

"You know my daughter is here"

"Oh yeah"

"Mummy what does gay mean?" Megan asked me. Oh god. What am i supposed to say.

"You'll find out when your older darlin'"

"Is it bad"

"No, no, its good. You'll just find out when your older, ok"

"Ok mummy"

I could tell Nicola was holding in her laughter. She was biting her bottom lip to try and hold it in. I know shes gonna let it all out soon.

I closed my eyes and waited, and waited, and waited. The room was silent. I opened my eyes and seen there was nobody in the room. I could hear Megan's voice. I followed it and stood outside the room i heard her voice coming from. I could hear Nicola talking too.

"What'r you drawing babe"

"Im drawing me and mummy"

"Aww thats very cute. D'you love mum"

"I love mummy lots and lots and lots"

"Oh my god how cute"

I knocked on the door. "Can i come in"

I could hear Nicola saying "hide it". There was a lot of rustling about then i was finally allowed to go in.

"What've you two been up to"

"Im making you a surprise, mummy"

"Really? I cant wait to see it"

"Its going to be really nice and colourful, and auntie Nicola's helping me"

"I cant wait"

"Mummy, c-can you go away so i can finish it"

"Ok then"

Megan got the piece of paper she was drawing on and her and Nicola faced the opposite direction so i couldn't see.

They ended up playing with some toys that Megan had brought to Nicola's house. It was such a lovely sight. Im so lucky to have a friend like Nicola. She would be an absolutely brilliant mum. I cant wait until she has a baby. She makes Megan very happy, and that makes me very happy too. I love seeing my daughter smile. When she's smiling i know she feels happy and loved. That's all i want for my daughter to have in life. Happiness and love. I don't want her going through the sh!t i went through with her dad, Justin. I thought he loved me. When i first met Justin i knew he would be the one i would settle down with. The one i would have kids with. The one i would marry. The one i would watch my grandchildren grow up with. That all changed. He terrified me. He used to beat me up until my body was black and blue. Even when i was pregnant. Kick, punch, threat, kick, punch. He nearly killed our baby. When we had to leave, i was heartbroken. I loved him. Notice how i said 'loved' and not 'love'. Thats because i don't love as much anymore. I dont want my daughter to go through that. When she's my age i hope she's met the right guy and starting to think about having her own family.

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