Chapter 4

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  (Kaitty's POV)

I walked down the pathway toward the forest, as I walked I was tackled to the ground by Leo who was on my team for capture the flag. I laughed and pushed him off of me onto the ground.

"You ready to kick some ass?" Leo laughed.

"Yes and you must might be the first on my list" I laughed shoving his shoulder.

"Hey, we're on the same side!" he laughed. I rolled my eyes chuckling; then out of the corner of my eye saw the Apollo cabin heading towards the forest, I looked for Will and saw he wasn't with his siblings.

"Ready to go douchbag?" I teased.

"Hells yeah, Hades couldn't keep me away!" Leo exclaimed. "Come on, I'll race you there!" He encouraged.

"You're on!" I smirked. Then we both took off a run as we raced each other into the forest.


I krept through the woods quietly, my shield was light but strong so it made it easier to move swiftly without haste. As I neared the creek which divided the territories I heard a crack of a twig behind me, I spun around and pointed my sword under someone's chin. Then I realized it was Will, I took the tip of my sword from his chin.

"You can't just sneak up on team mates like that!" I scolded.

"Whatever" he chuckled. "Come on, lets go get that flag!" He smirked. I nodded and continued towards the creek, when we got to the water I looked for a bridge or stone path to cross but there was none.

"There isn't a dry way across" I sighed, Will didn't respond as he walked down the creek, raising my eyebrows I followed him. We came to a shallow part in the creek; a smile came to my lips and I looked up at him. "That'll do" I chuckled.

"After you, my lady" he said exaggerating a bow, ushering me towards the creek. I laughed quickly and crossed the creek, thankfully my boots were water proof since the creek came just above my ankles.Will followed closely, his bow was notched with a regular arrow from his high tech quiver, probably a gift from his daddy. As we ventured into the woods deeper, something didn't feel right. Will suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me back behind a tree with him,he held me into his chest as he listened closely to something.

"What is it?" I whispered. Will put his fingers to his lips then pointed up to a low hanging branch. He bent down and cupped his hands together, I stepped on them and he lifted me up towards the branch. I grabbed onto it and grabbed onto the branch, I pulled myself up gracefully. Will jumped up and grabbed the branch, then pulled himself up with some difficulty, I helped him as best I could. "What are we doing up here?" I asked quietly. But before he could answer me, voice came from the ground, I climbed a branch higher and Will followed as well. Now we were hidden from sight from those on the ground but we could see and hear them clearly. Mac and Clarrise came into view, they met up with more Ares children.

"Has anyone tried to get by?" Mac growled, I felt my palms go sweaty with nerves from the two people I hated most waiting on the ground below my feet.

"No, nobody would even thing about looking for the flag here" One of the others asked. Will notched an arrow, I looked at him with wide yes and put my hand in his to stop him, he shook his head and pressed a could things on the arrow. Now I was confused but Will lifted his arrow to shoot up into the trees, he waited a couple seconds then let loose of the arrow. Will then pulled another arrow from his quiver and twisted the arrow until it let out a faint beep, smirking at me he motioned for me to watch the arrow as he aimed it at a tree across from the Ares siblings on the ground. Letting it go, I watched Will's arrow whistle through the air at lighting speed, the 4 siblings didn't seem to notice. The arrow notched itself in the truck of the tree, Will pressed me up against the trunk of the tree like a shield over my body, I was confused until there was a loud explosion. Will held onto me as the blast hit our tree making it bend and sway. I heard the cursing of the Ares siblings as the tree stopped swaying, Will slowly moved off of me, but now the air was thick with smoke, grabbing my sword from my scabbard; I jumped down. Will jumped down beside me.

"Looks like you've been fooled" I called into the smoke. Coughing and more angery cursing came from my right.

"HUNT YOU BLOODY CHEAT!!!! I WILL KILL YOU FOR THIS!!!" Clarrise exclaimed now closer; squinting I was able to see her large outline and heavy steps on the dried ground. Lightly I moved silently behind her and hit her in the shoulder with the flat of my sword making her swing her sword around in a clumsily movement, I easily knocked it out of her hand and kicked it away from her.

"A little rusty, Clarrise?" I mocked. Suddenly there was a crack of a twig behind me and I dodged out of the way of a sword coming down towards me, unfortunately I fell on the ground and my sword fell out of my hand.

"You're quick on your feet, baby, now lets stop this fighting and make up or make out, it's your choice!" Mac called out to my left and coming closer, quietly I rolled in the direction of my sword. I felt around and grabbed the familiar warm hilt, swiftly I stood up just in time to block a blow from another sword.

"This one is fast, huh brother?" Someone who I didn't recognize sneered. I pushed them back and jogged backwards, coughing now as the smoke clouded my lungs.

"Kaitty, I'm behind you, don't strike" Will's voice whispered to me. A hand gently grabbed mine and pulled me into their chest. I knew it was Will because of his spearmint colone.

"Will?" I coughed.

"Yeah I'm hear, I know a way to get to the flag and avoid them" he whispered in my ear which sent chills down my spine. I nodded and me took my hand and led me somewhere, my senses where all messed up now Bcause of the smoke, so I was putting all my trust in him got get to the flag. Behind me I heard flashing of swords then shouting, chuckling softly Will led me to a clearer area. I could see the red flag now, Will pushed me towards it lightly.

"Take another victory, Kaitty" he smiled.

"No, you do it, you found the flag" I replied. Sighing Will walked up to it but gestures for me to come with him.

"We'll both take it" he replied, a smile came to my lips and I nodded. We each held our hand out to the flag stick. "On the count of 3. 1.......2......3!" He exclaimed. I grabbed the flag as he also went for it at the same time, only at the last moment he pulled his hand away and I ended up holding the flag with my jaw olen. I felt guilty now, I didn't want to take all the credit I would get from it, he deserved the credit as well.

"That's not fair" I said quietly in shock, Will shrugged and backed away from the flag.

"It wouldn't be right, you're daughter of victory, I am a son of Apollo; who would be more likely to clame victory?" He asked.

"Will that's not fair to say! I'm not like that! I don't need another victory personally, I didn't need this, all I needed was to win. Either I got the flag or not, this is not a win in my books. It's a failure" I explained. Will just shrugged and walked away, more guilt flooded my stomach and I dropped the red flag feeling sick to my stomach. A side effect of being a child of victory was that if something wasn't a fair win and we end up winning, we get really bad sicknesses from guilt. This is the first time I ever had gotten this feeling; but it wasn't good, Will tricked me! I wasn't sure if I should thank him or hate him at the momet. Finally Chiron came and annouced Blue team as the winners. My brother came up to me and looked over me concerned, they all knew why I looked ill.

"Come on sis, lets get you back to the cabin" Mike sighed. I nodded and followed them out of the forest.  

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