Trust (Part 5)

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" Yeorobun, attention! Eunha & me, officially couple. " all of the students got shocked also Eunha.

" Really? Show us.. "

" Yuju.. Eottokhae?.. " whisper to Yuju while going to Bambam. Then, Bambam hugged her. Eunha just can reply his hug. Without Eunha known, JungKook & Jimin sees that too from outdoor. Jimin felt hurt inside while JungKook feels nothing.

" Kookie-ah, let's go. They're having fun, no need to join them. " said Jimin with a mad face. JungKook just follow him.

" Why hyung seems to mad? At Eunha? Is he like Eunha or else? He said that he treat her like a saeng.. Ohh.. Got it! He treat Eunha more than saeng, it's mean he treat Eunha like his girlfriend. But².. Why these two siblings like a same person? " JungKook keep thinking about it. JungKook trying to ask Jimin.

" Hyung.. Who are you mad at? You seems like that. "

" Hyung, did it? Hahaha.. It's nothing, Kookie-ah.. Hyung just.. ermm nothing.. "

" Just tell me, I'll help to solve your problems. It's Eunha, right? " Jimin nod with a sad face.

" Hyung, how can you & your little brother liked a same person? Your type is same even siblings? "

" Yea, our type is same. Cause of that, we can liked same person. Hmm.. Kookie-ah, tell me what is your type.. "

" My type? That girl must have short than me, pretty, kindhearted & cute. I think it's same to Eunha? "

" Ermm.. You're true. But, if we liked a same person? "

" She have to choose who's boy in her heart, that always makes her day & always have for her when she's in sad. " Jimin nod mean agree.

/Art of Music Class/

Bambam start to propose Eunha, was he want to propose.. then his old brother came..

" Eunha-yaa.. Would you accept it? "

" I'm sorry Bam-ssi, I can't lie to myself. That's what Jimin oppa teach me. We've to be honest or we'll get unhappiness future. I'm very sorry, I can't accept it. " then Eunha bow for apologize to Bambam with her innocent face. Jimin smirks, because he can stopped that incident before be to worst. Bambam just can give Eunha a fake smile & go away from them.

#Bambam POV#

Hmm.. I didn't have to propose her too early, right? I think she need a time for it, I will wait then. But, if not? Bambam.. Just think positively.

After end of lying incident in the class, Yuju, Eunha, Jimin & JungKook going to the dance class for a competition soon.

" Charanda, Eunha-yaa.. You make a good decision. " said Jimin while smile to her, Eunha feels something weird today.

After end of dance practice, they're rest for a minute.

" Eunha-ssi, what is your type? " said JungKook bravely, her face turned to red because of shy.

" Mmyy.. Tyyyppee..? Ermm.. It's secret, I can't tell you. "

" Just tell me, all of us.. Wanna know.. I think Yuju know what's Eunha type. Yuju-ssi, what's Eunha type? " Eunha don't wanna Yuju open her mouth, but she did it while eating some junks food.

" Eunha type? That boy have to tall than her, handsome, cute, kindhearted, that good of anything. It seems same to you..? " her second finger directly to JungKook and JungKook got shocked.

" It's me? " said JungKook, Jimin got upset again.

" She means my type it's same to you, you're not my type, ok? "

" If that's true? " JungKook smirks to Eunha, Eunha feels something beat her up.

" It can't be! I'll found him soon." said Eunha then going to some place. " What's up to JungKook? Smirks at me? Urghh that boy.. " whisper to herself.

-End of university session-

#BaMin Home#

Jimin & Bambam went to their home without talk to each other, their mom start to feels something weird. Then, she ask Jimin that was alone at living room while Bambam in his room.

" What's going on, Min-ah? Two of you seems like fight? "

" Mom, you know what.. He's trying to propose Eunha at university, then Eunha bravely to follow her heart that her heart not for him. Then, he feels upset. It's kinda we'll have a big fight soon.. " said Jimin with a slow volume.

" What?! Nonono.. I don't want two of my son fight to each other, I'll called Bambam & we'll discussed about it. "

" Omma, I think you've to leave his alone. Cause he need a time to contented. "

" I know.. " then, she start to crying.

" Omma, why are you crying? "

" Omma feel a little sad because remember about your father that have been passed away 3 years ago. He says ' Honey, if I'm not here soon.. Take care of our son ok? I know you can do that, they really need you. Lastly, I wanna three of you live with a happiness. ' I think he'll upset with me, because I'm not caring about our son. "

" Omma, don't talk like that. I think appa will understand with our situation. " then Jimin comfort her mom. Without their known, Bambam has heared all of it. He feels a little sad too.

#Eunha home#

" Eunji unnie! " she scream out her unnie name, then Eunji going to her room.

" What happened, Eunha-ya? "

" Seat here, I wanna talk with you a serious things. " then Eunji said ok with her finger.

" What is it, dear? "

" Unnie, you know JungKook right? He know that my type is him. Hmm.. "

" What's his reaction? "

" He's smirks at me, and I be like.. What happened to that boy? Is he crazy? 😂 "

" I think he like you.. "

" Hey, don't says like that.. I feels shy now.. " her face turned to red.

" Eunha-ya, we'll talk later. I'm very busy now, annyeong dear. " then Eunha nod. Then, Eunha got a message from an unknown person. She read it. ' Hi, Eunha. I'm biggest fans of you, should we meet? If you agree, we'll date to Yuta Restaurant. Wearing a pretty dress ok, dear? ' then Eunha replied ' Ok, we'll met tonight. '

-Yuta Restaurant-

Eunha going to find her biggest fans, that she not know. Then, his fans raised his hands up. Eunha going to that table.

" Hi, do you remember me? "

" Hi too, of course I know you.. You're basketball player, Yugyeom right? " Yugyeom nod and smiles to her.

" I wanna met you because my friend wanna give this to you.. " Yugyeom give her a letter. Then, Eunha read it. ' Hi, Eunha. I'm your man, I do this because hope you'll came here. You've came too, right? Now, you've to look at your right side that have a many flower. I'm inside of it, find me dear. I love you, Jung Eunbi 💋 ' " Who's your friend? How he know my full name? "
Who's Yugyeom friend? Will continue then.

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