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Age: 18
Magic: Ice Dragon Slayer Magic, 3rd Generation.
Exceed: Like Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, Rogue and Sting, you to also have a exceed. Your Exceed name is Violet, a light purple colour. Violet wears an aqua top and matching skirt.
Background: You were raised by a Dragon called Crystalia who taught you Ice Dragon Slayer Magic at a very young age. Like the other Dragons, Crystalia vanished on July 7th X777. One day before Crystalia vanished, Crystalia gave you a tear-drop, light blue amulet, which you have kept very close to you ever since that day.
Later you then grew up working around Magnolia. You had a tutor come and visit you 3 days a week. When you had enough money, you enrolled in Grand Magic High and this is where our story starts....


It's your first day at Grand Magic High. You are all excited to start at your new school. You look down at your timetable then look at your map and think, 'Damn I don't know where anything-'
"Oh sor-," you cut your sentence short as you saw a handsome, blonde haired, six pack guy staring back at you.
"Hmph," was all he could respond and walked over to his dark haired friend. You just stood there speechless.
'Well I hope not everyone is not like that here,' you thought. Next thing you knew, a sliver-haired girl came up to you.
"Hello I'm Yukino Agria! You must be new, I could tell you look lost. Here, let me help you!"
"Umm. Thank I'm (Y/N) and yes I'm new to this school... I don't know where room 304 is. Can you tell me?"
"Sure! Hey, by any chance do you have maths then?"
"Umm," you look down at your timetable, "Oh yeah I do. How come?"
"Cool we have the same home class! I have maths then too!" Yukino replied with a big smile on her face. "Here, I will show you where maths is as class is about to start."
"Thank you Yukino." You respond with a small awkward smile and successfully remembered her name.
You and Yukino then started walking to maths class. You scan the classroom and in the corner near the window, you see the same blonde hair boy from this morning.

Hi everyone it's my first chapter. Please let me know what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote! I shall be updating soon.

Thanks, Sparkly_Pop-Tarts.

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