~Chapter 4~

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I was getting so many comments. I have always hated attention but right now, I'm kind of into it.
Wow Riley looks smokin
I heard from the crowd. Wolf whistles were heard around me making me feel good about myself. I roughly got pulled to the side from a boy at my school. Ryder. The kid was a legend at our school. He was one of the hottest jocks in the history of jocks.

As nervous and flustered as I was, I played it cool. Sexy. My mind kept repeating. Be sexy, flirt a little. So I did. This was my first time at 'flirting' but I tried.
"So Riley, why don't you dress like this usually?" Ryder cocked his head to the side.
"I don't know. Should I from now on?" I asked with a teasing voice.
"Mmm your looking sexy as. And that ass... Woo!" He replied. I mentally giggled to myself but played along. I pressed my hand against his chest and leaned in slowly making it look like I was going to kiss him. Instead I whispered in his ear, "better luck next time." And turned to walk off. As I went to walk off I lightly traced my finger down his body just missing his private parts that seemed to be growing a little.
I smirked to myself and made my way back to Julia.

"OMG Rils that was amazing! I didn't know you had it in you." Said Julia, looking astounded.
"I think I like this whole teasing business. I should do it more often." I said. This is the first night in ages that I have let myself forget about everything and just have fun. Forget about summer and her posy of bitches.
Forget about my parents
Forget about how poor and unfortunate I am
And forget about how much this world hates me just for one night.

Julia and I made our way up to this rich kids bar and orders ourselves a shot of straight vodka to get the night started. This isn't the first time I have drunk. I use to go out parting when I was 14 before all of the addictions happened. But it's been a long time since I have drunk so why not have a bit of fun just for one night?

After our second shot we walked to the 'dance floor, which was just a living room with all their furniture pushed to the sides. Julia and I danced along to the pounding music like the single girls we are. All of the 'Couples' around us (Which were most likely drunk strangers looking for a bit of fun) were grinding on each other or making out, either or. Just looking at those kids made me sick. It reminded myself of 14 year old me. Yeah I guess I was a rebel but I never smoked or did drugs or even had sex... unlike Summer. But she never like peer pressured me or anything so I was okay with it. 'Sorry' started to fade out and an awful slow song began to play. Julia and I made our was off the dance floor and towards another type of living room. Man, this boys loaded.

"Omg I haven't had this much fun in forever!" I exclaimed as we plopped down on the couch.
"Honestly Riles you look so confident tonight you should wear this look more often."
"Thanks Julia but I think this is a one off."

"Hey pretty ladies how are you tonight?" A hot stranger said as he approached us. "What are two pretty girls like you sitting all alone?" He asked as he slung his arms around us both. I could smell the alcohol on his breath and all I could do was laugh. No not like one of those pathetic little giggles that girls do to like sound hot or whatever. But this laugh sounded more like a retarded seal. 'Yeah the alcohol is defiantly getting to me,' I thought to myself as my laughs died down. The boy had a weird look on his face. It kind of looked like he was about to cry. That face soon faded away as he began to speak.
"How about I get you girls a drink?"
We just nodded our heads in reply.
"Three fancy drinks for the gorgeous young ladies here." The hot boy ordered from the bar.
"Three mango margaritas coming right up!" Three orange drinks came sliding across the bar each decorated with a tiny umbrella.
"Thank you..." I began," ...I never fought your name."
"Alec, Alec Jones and you are?"
"I'm Julia and this is Riley," stated Julia.
"Riley Evans," I shook his hand pretending to be all professional before breaking out into a fit of laughter once again.
Once the laughter seized, I caught a glimpse of his beautiful blue orbs. They were the colour of the ocean. A dark, misty blue but they were bright at the same time. I couldn't take my eyes off of his own, Intriguing me in every way.

He scrunched his face up in confusion but I took no notice as I couldn't peel my eyes away from the beauty that stood in front of me.  His jaw was chiseled and tan like he was constantly on the beach. No shock if he was, this is Santa Monica and by the clothes that he was wearing, he definitely lived In the rich parts of  town.

"Umm Riley why are you looking at me like that?" Alec asked as he took a step back.
By now I had snapped out of my trance and decided it would be decently polite to answer him.
"Your eyes are just wow.... And your face is just ugh!" My drunken mind took over and I began to lean in. No shocker... I kissed him sloppily, the alcohol obviously making its way to my brain so I couldn't make any rational decisions. Surprisingly he kissed back but soon pushed me away realising that I was a total stranger. He all of a sudden disappeared from my sight and into a swirling sea of bodies.

"Riles what was that damn?" Julia looked impressed.
"His face is sooooo beautiful." I slurred unable to articulate my words.
"Wow you are obviously drunk. I think we should take you home." She suggested.
"NO! I can't go home my parents will kill me. Literally kill me there is no doubt about it! I'm never going back there again after tonight I can't!"

And that was the start of it all.

Hello guys!!
How are you all doing this fine morning?
Anyway we haven't uploaded in a long time and we are sorry for that but we lost track of time and we have been very busy with music and dance and school and all that jazz. (Insert Chicago reference)
We will hopefully continue to write this story and just keep nagging us if we don't.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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