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Ian loved surprises - both receiving and giving them. But when he nearly begged his boss to let him leave the office early on his 5th anniversary to surprise his girlfriend, he never expected to receive the biggest surprise of his life.

Humming a tune to his favourite song, which reminded him of his gorgeous girlfriend Belle, the blue Tiffany's box safely placed at the dashboard, Ian drove the car a little faster than usual, excited to be with the love of his life.

He pulled into the driveway of Belle's house - yes they didn't live together. Both of their workplaces were located on the opposite sides of the city and they decided it would be best if they resided according to their own convenience.

He got out of the car, palms clammy from nervousness. What if she said no? Using his own key, he unlocked the door and stepped inside the small but cozy house, heart beating a million times a minute.

"AHH FUCK!" A cry emancipated from her bedroom.

Ian froze. He would have assumed she was having some "alone time" if it had been her voice. But it wasn't. That was a man. And his voice was too familiar to Ian.

He couldn't believe his ears. She wouldn't do that, no. Not on their 5th anniversary for fuck's sake. Ian slammed the door open to find his girlfriend being fucked into the very mattress where they had shared several moments of intimacy, by none other than the man he called his best friend.

"BELLE?!" He shouted, feeling shocked and furious but most of all betrayed and heartbroken. "I-Ian! I c-can explain," she whispered hurriedly while David awkwardly pulled out of her, their faces flushed and bodies sweaty.

"Fuck you," was all Ian muttered before throwing the expensive ring box towards the bed and storming out of the place, livid with rage and hurt.

He sped to who knows where, eyes stinging with tears that threatened to spill. As if on cue, thunder was heard and soon enough rain drops started splattering against his windshield. How appropriate, he thought and laughed a mirthless laugh.

It didn't take long for him to finally break down. The heartache was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. He had been betrayed by the two most important people in his life and he didn't know what to think.

The neverending waterfall of tears combined with the pouring rain made it quite difficult for him to see more than a few feet ahead. Even in his pitiful condition, Ian wasn't stupid and he wasn't going to get himself killed for a cheating whore.

But where would he go?

The realization hit him like a truck. He couldn't go back to his own place which was littered with reminders of her. He had quite a few friends, but none of them could provide the comfort he so desperately needed, none of them would understand his situation and he definitely wasn't in the mood for some useless words of consolation.

So he went where all confused, heartbroken men go.

The local bar.

And that's where it all begins.

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