I can't forget, I still remember, I love you always

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I still remember the day

You said you loved me.

I was about to hang up when you said it

I was shocked to hear those words from you

Remembering how days before I always said "I love you"

but this time you said it first

You told me your loved me and I said it back

You said to take care and I hung up

I can still remember the butterflies I got

I remembered that time of all the memories we had

You were always there for me through my hard time

While I was at the hospital under suicide watch.

An hour away from home, I would call you each night

If I didn't call, you would call me.

I remember when I told you that I was in love with you.

I started to cry,

You were so shocked that I didn't even hear from you days after

Two months later you started to talk to me again

but a week after my birthday you betrayed me once more

Tell me why I still love you?

I can't forget about you at all, you are always on my mind

Those memories we shared are still fresh

I remember the first time you took me out

It was July.12.2010

I can't forget all those crazy time we shard

The laughs that we had, the pranks that we pulled

I can still remember when you came to my bedroom window looking for me

I felt like Juliet and you were my Romeo

Too bad our love had to end, well only yours

Because I still love you... but why do I?

I can't forget our memories we shared

I can't forget your scent

I can't forget the times we hugged

You were my knight in shining armor

The light to my dark hell

You were everything to me

I can still remember how you would always tell me you loved me

I can still remember that time you told me I was pretty

I can still remember when we went out on halloween and you held my hand for one second

After all this pain tell me why I still love you?

I can't forget about you, I still remember you always.

No matter what I love you always.

The pain is unbearable, I feel like dying.

But the way you betrayed me has made me stronger

I know I will love you always and I will put this smile on my face

To show you that I am stronger even though you never want to see me again

I don't get what I did, I know I didn't do anything wrong.

You're just too blind to see the truth behind everything.

But no matter what I will love you always.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2011 ⏰

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