Letter One

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Dear Lou,

I hope you are happy with Eleanor now. She’s everything you deserve. I still miss you even though you left this morning. I miss the times where we would just giggle and lay down on the floor and say sweet things to each other. I haven’t left your room since you left Louis. You forgot two of your favourite sweaters, you know, the ones you always wore with me? Yeah well I’m wearing the grey one right now.

I understand that you left me; every good thing comes to an end. I just, I thought maybe you would stay but I get it, don’t worry about it. I know you’ll never read these, but at least I get to think that I’m actually talking to you.

No one bothered calling me or texting me or nothing with me today. They know it’s hard for me and honestly I couldn’t thank them more. Niall told me I could call him if I ever needed anything. He’s a sweet guy boo, you should go see him sometime.


I napped in your bed Lou. Thank god it still smells like you. I started rummaging in your room to find something about me and I found the picture of us kissing, broken under your bed. It looked like you broke it Lou. Did you break it? Did you break us? I didn’t break us. I still love you. You never told me you stopped. She was just supposed to be a beard Lou. Nothing else. What happened?

What did I do? Why did you leave me? I miss you already. It’s been 6 hours since you left. God I want you back in this bed. I want to kiss you Lou. I took a picture of you not long before you left. I still have it on my phone. It’s my wallpaper. I haven’t checked my Twitter Lou. That’s a record. I always check my Twitter.

I’m scared you tweeted about how much you love Eleanor or how you are so happy that you moved in with her. I would be glad you are happy Lou, but I thought we were happy together, weren’t we? You remember when we were camping with my parents and you told me you would never leave me?

Why did you lie to me boo? What have I done?

I better get some rest, it’s getting late.

I still love you,


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