THE CEILING OF THE ballroom was adorned with diamond chandeliers as far as the eyes could see. Between the chandeliers hung white see through drapes in a loop on the ceiling. All the elements in the ballroom came together to make it feel like the were no longer on earth, but a faraway, fantasy land.
Men were dressed in tuxedos and women were dressed in floor length ball gowns of every color imaginable. Reds, blues, and greens flowed around Allison as she stared at the scene in awe. An orchestra was playing classical music about three hundred or so feet directly in front of her, and a hardwood dance floor was erected directly in front of the orchestra where couples waltzed and swirled to the music. A ten foot buffet table sat on the left wall of the ballroom, with shrimp, cheese, fruits, roast beef, lamb, and...
“Sam...Sam is that a pig with an apple in it's mouth?”
Samantha turned to look where Allison was pointing.
“Huh, what, where....Oh my, that IS a pig with an apple in it's mouth!”
“This is a little much,” said Allison.
An usher dressed in a black tuxedo with a white bow tie and white gloves like the ones positioned outside the door bowed slightly to Sam.
“Madame, what party are you with, I can help you find your table.”
“Oh, I'm just her friend along for the party, she's the registered guest,” said Sam, pointing to Allison.”
Allison turned to the maitre d', “I'm with Abbots, Glen and Notto, PC. “
“This way ladies,” said the maitre d' as he ushered Allison and Sam to their table. Allison and Samantha followed the maitre d' through the round tables in the ball room.
Some people were drinking coffee, while others drank colorful alcoholic concoctions in martini glasses, wine glasses, and some cocktail glasses. Light feminine perfumes mingled with husky masculine scents as they made their way to their seats. Everyone was dressed in their Sunday best. Rich reds and gold saris' worn by the Indian heads of state, along with bold yellows and greens of the Nigerian royalty, mingled with Dior gowns and Armani suits.
Allison was overwhelmed with the amount of money in the room. She glanced down at her simple but elegant black strapless gown that she picked up on sale at Macy's and wondered if she looked as out of place as she felt. Could they tell her diamond earrings, necklace and bracelet, were bought as a set in the accessories department at Macy's' for twenty four ninety nine? It seemed like not even a pair of socks for these folks cost that little.
Too late to worry about that now. Allison pushed the thought from her mind, straightened her posture, held her chin up a little higher, and followed the maitre d'.
The AG&N table was filled, except for two seats spaced about three people apart.
“Oh shucks, we're not going to be able to sit together Sam. You're okay with that, right?”
“I'm a big girl, I'll be fine.”
As Mr. Osmund saw Allison approach the table, he put his Jack Daniels and coke down, got up and strode over to her. At five foot six, two hundred and twenty pounds with an advanced case of male pattern baldness, Mr. Osmund looked like a penguin in his black tuxedo and white shirt, as he waddled his way over to meet Allison. A cute, squish-able penguin, but a penguin none the less. Allison had to bite her bottom lip to stop herself from snickering as she saw her boss approach.
“Allison, good of you to join us.”
“I'm sorry Mr. Osmund. It won't happen again.”
She gave him a sheepish grin that he didn't return. She heard him, like she'd heard him the last few weeks lecturing her about her less than stellar work habits.